The Doctor

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     Five minutes after take off, River said my name. I turned to her. "Yes, River?" I asked, my hearts heavy. "We're getting an incoming transmission from the dalek fleet." My hearts lurched; I'd been expecting this. "Play it," I said queitly. She pressed play and we all gathered around the small screen to watch. Though I'd been expecting a transmission, what I saw shocked me to my core.

     "Hello everyone. You're probably wondering why I'm sending this to you. Well, it's to tell you the truth. I lied when I told you we fabricated Belladonna's DNA profile. It was an actual gentic profile fo an actual person. That actual person is me. I found out around the start of my physical training, as one of the new lab technician's left the file where I could get it. I was completely shocked when I read it, wondering what else was I lie.

     "That's when I knew I couldn't kill any of you. After all, you're my family, even if you didn't know about me. So I played along, doing my best to keep Madame Kovarian from realizing that I knew. It must've worked pretty well, because you're free, and she's gone, and so are the daleks. When they told me my training was complete, I set in motion a plan that I'd been waiting eight years to start. Now, the Doctor must have already explained how you got off the ship. Well, he didn't do any of that. I did. 

     "Don't be angry with him. He only did as I asked him. I might have manipulated him a little to get him to do so. It wouldn't have made any difference if he'd told you the truth, the outcome would've been the same. Just know that what I'm about to do, I do because I love you. It's also the hardest thing I've ever done in my entire life, and I'm glad that I'm doing it for people I care about. Take care of each other for me. Goodbye, sweeties." 

     The transmission ended, and just as it did, a loud boom was heard in the distance. It didn't take a jenuis to figure out that Kira had blown the fleet up, along with herself. I couldn't bring myself to look at my companions. If we'd stayed, we could have saved her. It was my fault that my daughter was dead, and they knew it. 

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