Madame Kovarian

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As Kira began her training, I go to a Dalek Council meeting so we can discuss what will happen once the Doctor is dead. "Doctor Kovarian, how is the girl's training going?" the emperor asks. "Very well. I estimate thhe planning for the Doctor's assasination to begin next week," I reply. All around me, daleks begin to yell "EXTERMINATE". I sigh. "I said estimate, not exterminate," I mutter. "Are you sure she is ready? You tried this with her mother and failed. I'm sure you do not need to be reminded what will happen if you fail again," the Emperor tells me. I nod. "It'll work. The Doctor was able to corrupt Melody before her training was complete. He has no idea of Kira's existence, therefore he cannot corrupt her. She is clueless as well." 

     "Are you certain?" I nod again. "Yes. We stole Kira from Melody's womb before she even knew she was pregnant.  Once he is dead we can use his TARDIS to take over the Universe," I reply. "And are we to trust you with the task alone? You could take the girl and run after he has been exterminated," the Emperor said. "Yes, I could. That's why you will appointed up to three daleks to accompy us on the journey. I assume that is acceptable?" I ask. "Yes. You must keep the girl from learning the truth in the few days left so she cannot betray us." I dip my head. "Yes, Emperor." The meeting is adjourned after that. 

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