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     "Prepare for the Doctor's arrival," I say, and in an instant there were hundreds of daleks flooding the council  room, pointed towards the place where the TARDIS would materilize. I had Belladonna brought back to conciousness so I could prove to the Doctor that she wasn't real, and I had my pistol loaded with poison bullets. The poison being belladonna, no less. I waited, and about four minutes later, the TARDIS appeared and four very cross people stepped out. I made sure the daleks were all hidden in the shadows.

     I stepped into view with Belladonna, my gun held to her head. "Drop your weapons or I'll execute her," I said calmly. River flung her gun all the way across the room, and looked as though she were about to start foaming at the mouth. "What do you want?" she snarled. I smirked. "Nothing except your heads on sticks," I said. Amy let out a gasp and Rory pulled her against him. I continued. "You see, Doctor, I've been planning this for a very long time. Since you're about to die, I don't see any harm in telling you. I was the one who transmitted the video and the DNA report. Which is fake, by the way. We have both your and Professor Song's DNA profile, so fabricating one for a child was easy. WE didn't want to run the risk of actually breeding a child of yours, so instead we created a new kind of Avatar that would show up as human. We gave her a name and some fake memories, and then we set everything into motion." 

     As they were still processing this, I raised my gun and shot Belladonna, which became a puddle of white gel-like liquid on the floor. They all flinched and I smiled. "You've walked directly into my trap," I said, ever so calmly, and motioned for Madame Kovarian to turn on the lights, revealing the daleks. "I'm going to take great pleasure in killing you, Doctor." 

     "If I'm going to die, then you might as well tell me. Why let us take Belladonna in the first place? Why not just kill us the first time?" he asked. I met his eyes and smirked. "Spoilers," I said softly.

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