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After my training, I walk back to my room where Doctor Kovarian is waiting with a tray of supper. It's my favorite:  fish fingers and custard. I must have done well today. I sit down on the bed beside of her and begin to wolf the food down, absolutely starving. "I cannot, for the life of me, understand why you like that. It's completely disgusting," she says under her breath. I flash her a quick smile. "Niether can I," I say, taking a big swig of the water she'd provided. She smiled fondly at me. "You're training is complete," she said, waiting until I had a big mouthful of water. I spat it out as I turned to stare at her, my mouth gaping open. I was in disbelief. "R-really?" I squeaked. She nodded, smirking. "Yes. You'll be taken in front of the dalek council tomorrow to prove yourself, and after that you'll begn to plot the death of the Doctor." I jump up off the bed, careful not to send my unfinished supper falling to the floor, and wrap my arms around her neck. "Thank you," I whispered, shutting my eyes tightly. 

     "For what, dear?" she asked, pulling me back to look at me. "For giving me this chance and for believing in me. I couldn't have done it without you. Now, I think I have some ideas as to how to lure the Doctor and his companions here." I released her and began to tell her my plans. 

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