The Doctor

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     It wasn't until she said "spoilers" with that familiar smirk that I put two and two together. River had been pregnant when they had captured her to brainwash her, and they must have stolen the girl from her womb and raised her to become the perfect weapon. Probably the only person in the world who can outwit me, and she knows it. "Who are your parents?" I ask her, as she walks me towards what I assume to be prisioner chambers. She shrugs. "Just people unfortunate enough to cross paths with you, Doctor," she replies, her voice sharp. It stings a little, since I've devoted my entire life to saving people. 

     "So, you've got me. What do you need them for?" I ask, allowing a little bit of desperation into my voice. She smirked. "We can't have them running around trying to recruite people to save you, now can we?" she said, her voice falsely sweet. I sighed inwardly. Maybe she didn't know, or maybe I was wrong. "I supposse not. So what's in the gun?" I ask. She has it pointed towards me, and holds it loosely, as if she's comfortable with it. I'm not sure where Amy, Rory, and River are, but I guess they're being escorted to a place similiar to where I'm going, wherever that is. 

     In about ten minutes, she stops outside the door and yanks on my handcuffs, signaling for me to stop as well. The door opens and Madame Kovarian steps out. I bristle. "Well done, Kira," she says, praising the girl. She hands her a syringe. "Now do what you were born to do," she said, locking eyes with me. Kira took the syringe, which was filled with a green liquid, with which she injected me with. I groaned, trying to hold it back. The needle was massive, and it hurt like hell. Before I lost consciousness, I heard daleks shouting "the Doctor is dead!"

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