Chapter 2

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Exploring my new town is all well and good, but if i want to live here i'm going to have to find somewhere to actually live. Quite a prime aspect of living, that.

After double, and triple checking that i locked my car (i don't trust this town just yet with my little Beetle) I began my search.

"So, where would people most likely put up 'Room to Rent' flyers? Put your brain in gear, Bi!!"

Police Station, town bulletin board, school, random trees, the bar....

Upon entering the Police Station, I got a nervous stare from what looked like a rookie officer behind the reception desk fumbling with his taser, mm mm OK maybe this town isn't so safe.

Just as I was momentarily re-thinking my rellocation, a middle aged woman with short blonde hair and a sheriff uniform approached me.

"Hi, my names Sheriff Forbes, but you can call me Liz. You must be new to town?"

"Oh yeah, Hi i'm Bianca Albero : New comer" with a shy smile i took her hand and shook it.

She seemed friendly, informed, curious; if this woman was in control of the towns security it's got to be safe.

"Well it's nice to meet you, Bianca. We could use some nice new humans here. Where will you be staying?"

OK, so maybe she's a little odd with that 'human' comment, what's wrong with 'people', are there random animals running around the school? Ahahaa, i crack myself up.

"Ummm, I have absolutely no idea actually. That's what i was looking for when i came to the station, do you know of anywhere i can stay for a while in town?"

"Oh, of course!" with a sudden shadow of mourning over her face, she added "the Gilbert house has had a lot of empty space since the accident."

After an awkward moment of silence, she looked up at me again with a spark of renewed happiness "They could use a new face"

"Oh er, sorry, who exactly could use my new face?"

"Oh I'm sorry, I was in a world of my own, the Gilbert house has an empty room that you could rent! I should introduce you to Elena and Jeremy though, see what they think about the idea."

"Oh, yeah, sure. Ermm, let's go then......Thank you"

Can't forget my manners, that's one thing that dang orphanage taught me.

So, Liz Forbes and I left the Police Station to find my hopeful landlords.

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