Chapter 15

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Bianca POV

"Yes, my child, it is I." holding me to her chest tightly once again like I remembered, "We must get you out of this steel cage at once." with Bonnie's feeble body Mother Iyanna pulled my weak form upright and used her magic to levitate us out of the cage without touching the poisonous metal.

Once we had reached the barrier outside of Klaus' steel cage, I took a deep breath of such relief that I almost began to sob. Sensing my distress, Mother Iyanna rushed to me and clutched me within her arms again.

"My child, I do not have much time in our sister's body, I must do what I came here to do." pulling away from her safe embrace I looked into her eyes seriously, watching my reflexion in Bonnie's eyes as my own turned an overpowering white.

"My duty is to Nature. My duty is to removing the unnatural on this corrupted Earth." within the steel cage I was weak, vulnerable to loves grasp.

The Huntress had re-awakened.

"Mother Witch," I addressed Iyanna formally, "I have Nature's task to fulfil," I walked in sure determination to the heavy wooden front door of Klaus' home.

Before I could open those doors however, Iyanna spoke hauntingly, "You are unnatural, I should never have had the power to create this, fate is in Natures hands." I turned to her at these words, I had a mission to fulfil and nothing would get in my way, "I will redeem myself, my Child, I will redeem your sins and give you happiness."

I could feel my eyes burning brighter, in resistance, as a pull to my body was drawn by Bonnie's possessed hands.

My feet were steadily being dragged toward her without my permission, my bestial nature unleashed I growled and bared my teeth at the only woman I had ever called Mother, the Huntress was in control now.

In position in front of her, she used her hands to create a carved circle around me in the wooden floor of Klaus' entry hall where his chandelier hung above me. The candles in the flickered around the room in a haunting rhythm as Iyanna chanted in an old language.

She called above the raging wind building inside the house that was pushing our hair around manically, "My child, the Huntress has only worked to kill you again and again. For centuries, you have failed."

At the words I fell to my feet in agony, "No, no, I have not failed. I am reborn, I will fulfill my task." I clutched my head in pain as I felt the glowing white light in my hands and eyes begin to stutter.

"Like Niklaus, you will be bound. Such power as yours has no place in the human form. It goes against all Nature stands for. "

Writhing on the wooden flooring as she continued with her spell, I could feel it like a switch turn off, my eyes closed and I collapsed to the ground.

"I love you, my Child, but this is for the best."

Klaus POV

Climbing up the steps to my home I contemplated what I had done.

Locked up my lost love, again. Risked her life, again. Put her in pain, again.

Running my hands through my hair roughly, I noticed the total silence around me. Not a sound, like Nature had been drawn silent for a moment.

Bianca had told me in the past of her affinity with Nature, as if they were together in one being, in herself.

I caught my breath as I realised the danger she could be in. I wouldn't lose her again. Breaking the doors open I came upon the sight of Bonnie, the dopple gangers witch friend collapsed on the floor clutching her forehead and whispering something obscure to even my hearing.

Moving closer to her I heard the words, "It is done, she is bound." before shaking her head of black curls and slowly looking up at me. Meeting my face with horrified eyes, Bonnie screeched "Klaus! Leave me alone!"

At thd high pitch of her voice, I heard the sound of someone moving behind her in the centre of my entry hall. Stepping away from the anxious and confused Bonnie, curious, I laid my eyes on my loves prone form.

The Huntress never slept, her white eyes only closed in times of death or in times of humanity.

Approaching my loves form I held her head in my arms, her white blond hair draping over my arm in natural curls. As I touched her my heart dropped, there was no heart beat in her chest, no blood pumping her veins.

In despair I buried my head in her glorious white mane and sobbed for the first time in centuries, "My love, don't say this is the last time I will see your beautiful eyes shine up at me."

I moved my hands to her face to caress her tattooed cheeks lovingly, placing my lips on hers with all the love I contained in my dead heart.

Then, I felt response, the movement of her full pink lips against mine. Her body was still cold, with no blood running through it, yet she was kissing me.

Pulling away from her heavenly lips in anticipation, I looked upon her closed eyes and smiling face; as if she were dreaming.

"My love, your heart is silent. Open your beautiful eyes so I may see life."

She moved her unsteady, stiff arms to hold her hands around my neck and spoke, "Niklaus, no, I am afraid that if I look into your eyes I may kill you. I told you my power is too strong, my Mother Iyanna has done something to me." a devastated frown appeared between her brows.

Using my hands to soften it, making a small smile appear again, "Love, you seem different now, maybe she has done good." nodding her head in resolution, I  couldn't help but acknowledge how beautiful she looked; her tattoos encircling her eyes and cheek bones, her white blond hair framing her face.

Hesitantly she peeked open her eyes, widening them as she caught sight of me in front of her.

"My Niklaus." she grasped my face with her small hands and I momentarily worried for my life, awaited the burning white power to sear my skin.

But on closer inspection of my loves eyes, all I could see was blue.

Bianca Albero (A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat