Chapter 14

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Klaus POV

My head was a mess.

How could I ever do that to my only love?

I couldn't even hold her, carry her unconscious form in fear of harming her now.

Stefan carried her still form, her face expressionless and those beautiful eyes closed.

Running my fingers through my hair forcefully I let out a rough breath through my mouth, Damon's joyous whistling punctured the air.

"Well, that's one nature loving monster out of the picture, whose millenia old lover should we hit up next? Stefan, Klaus-y boy?" his sarcastic voice was grating on me and I had a lot of steam to let off.

Appearing in front of him with my elongated teeth exposed and golden eyes gleaming I threw him across the street where he collapsed a solid brick wall. The elder Salvatore brother had no time to even gasp in shock at my appearance before I threw him.

Satisfied with the idiotic young vampires punishment, I stepped toward Stefan and took my love into my own arms. It seems I could not trust anyone with her, but myself, well it is possible that I can not even trust myself with her.

Sighing I ignored the brothers murmuring to each other about my 'odd' actions, Damon had staggered to his feet "The guy actually has a heart, who knew?", walking toward my current dwelling I hoped that I would never lose my love again.

Bianca POV

My skull throbbed, the poisonous steel still left a shimmering stain on my skin.

With eyes partially opened, the effort was too much to open them fully, I took a pained gasp of realisation at my surroundings.

A ancient steel cell.

Klaus' cage for me, made in the 50s when he had finally managed to capture me.

The painful memories seemed to make my seared skin burn with renewed flare, my eyes flickered with their white light but died out quickly like a flashlight on low battery.

I had promised myself that he would never control me again, my love for him had weakened me and I was the only one to blame.

 Rage boiled underneath my skin, pulling at the chains that held my wrists and ankles to the wall and bearing my teeth in a rabid growl. The fear, anger, love, had made me bestial; like a wild animal.

The sound of a bolt being drawn across caught my attention, a small gap in the door was revealed displaying the deceiving, beautiful blue eyes of my loving monster. My growling intensified.

His eyes showed sorrow, defeat, remembrance, love.

"You were like this the last time you were here, love." the rumble in my chest began to sound like a swarm of bees, my teeth still bared in menace, "This is necessary, I can't let you hurt my family and, " I could feel the drip of moisture fall from my eyes, silver light glistening on the steel plated flooring, "I just can't let yourself get killed again. I refuse to lose you again. I love you"

With those words, I curled up on my side facing away from the door and closed my eyes, shutting him out.

Last time I was here, as the beautiful monster had said, I was confined for 23 years until help arrived.

Last time I was here, my Mother Iyanna had possessed the body of a Witch called Gloria and had me released. However, my long exposure to steel in that life, back in the 50s, had weakened that body to the extent that I had died.

I vowed that I would not let love weaken me, and here I was, his kiss had broken me again.

Bonnie POV

Sitting in The Mystic Grill with Elena, we were discussing the recent discovery about Bianca.

"I knew there was something different about her when I shook her hand that day! She must be like the direct source of Witch kinds power, I mean she's pure nature." I was ecstatic at the news of Bianca's origins, created from the great Witch Iyanna; she was practically a Goddess to me.

Elena's expression held worry, a seemingly permanent feature nowadays, she was a different girl to the one I was friends with before her parents death. I would do anything for her, anything to make her smile again.

"I just wish I could help Bianca, it must all be so difficult for her." Elena looked so lonely and sad, at this moment of empathy for my friend a bright light shone in my eyes.

Shocked and confused I shook my head to try and rid it of this irritation.

Then a Voice sounded from within my mind, "Daughter of the Bennett Line, I must take control of your bodily form, for the sake of a fellow sister."

My mind let go as I let it, an instinctual reaction to be obedient to the Voice. Leaving me with the resonating thought of Bianca Albero.

Bianca POV

Screams and crashes woke me from my frozen, pained state.

Having heard Klaus leave earlier after destroying part of his house in anger, I knew that these noises were not caused by his aggression, but anothers.

Still laid prone inside my steel cage, the blast of my cage doors catapulting open did little to rouse me from my poison induced state. Shockingly, Bonnie stepped over the threshold with an air of grace and great majesty.

In confusion I pushed part of my body up off of the floor weakly and studied her, "Bonnie? How?", I couldn't manage many more words in my exhaustion.

She moved toward me, following to crush my body to hers in a desperate embrace. She stroked my hair rhythmically and began to sing :

"Lucciola lucciola, gialla gialla
metti la briglia alla cavalla
che la vuole il figlio del re
lucciola lucciola vieni con me."

gasping in surprise with my tears beginning to flow rapidly down my face like falling stars, I pulled away to clutch her shoulders and looked up into her eyes like a child.

"Mother Iyanna?"


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