Chapter 12

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: smyllie

Jeremy POV

After being called a fool and ordered to get a seat, any normal person would walk out of this place.

But hey, that's not me and I love that girl way too much to say no to that beautiful pouty face.

Collapsing onto a chair by the pool table I had to rub my neck, she might look tiny but being over 1000 years old must give you some time to build up some hardcore muscle.

Damn that girl had a grip, needing to rub my side in pity of myself also, that's going to bruise if my ego hadn't been already.

Turning to see what was taking so long with our, specified, 'non-alcoholic' drinks I just caught sight of a wisp of her white blond hair fly out the door.

With Klaus following her.

Standing in fear, anger, shock - so many emotions that I couldn't exude all at one time. Knocking the pool sticks from the side of the pool table and my chair from its standing position.

People turned to look expectantly at my reaction, upon acknowledging it was just the alcoholic drug user Gilbert boy they resumed their positions and continued their days.


"Hey Gilbert, what's wrong with you?"

Great, Tyler always has to give his two cents.

"Klaus, that's what!! Your freaking Master has gone after Bianca," pointing to the door frantically, then resigning to sigh mournfully, "yet another of my friends is in trouble, and I can't do anything about it."

Sitting back in my seat, I realised what I had forgotten.

Springing up again, shocking even the Hybrid Tyler causing him to growl at me aggressively in the middle of the Grill.

Stupid dog.

"The words on the tree. How could I just forget? This could be vital! Alaric, yeah he'll know about this kind of stuff, YES!! Bye Tyler, I got to go, keep a look out for Klaus -- but I got to go ---"

Running at the chance of being useful for once, well except for seeing dead people but let's face it that never did much good.

Pushing past Tyler who was still growling under it breath, I left the Grill.

At Alaric's Apartment

Out of breath and banging on Alaric's door, he opened it to see me rush in past him, panicked and hyperventilating.

"Jeremy, what are you doing? Shouldn't you be with the girls? Why are you so out of breath, you're starting to make me look in shape," chuckling to himself he walked over to the kitchen to pull out a bottle of whiskey. "Now Jeremy, take a breath and tell me what's happened? Girl trouble?"

"No no no no, well yes, a girl is in trouble but not that kind of trouble--" I started to babble, Alaric left his whiskey behind to put his hands on my shoulders effectively calming me down.

"I saw Klaus run out of the Grill after Bianca, and I don't know where they are but Bianca told us a story earlier today about how she's some kind of mystical old tree spirit person who has to kill all the originals with her magic mojo voodoo power stuff!! But she's never got out alive in 1000 years so now Klaus is after her and I don't know what to do and I have a picture of a tree and some writing and you can translate it and and and----"

"Right, Jeremy, from what I caught of that I think the best move now is to sit down get this picture you were ranting on about and see about translating it."

"Ok, yep, that sounds like a good idea." finally calm with a new plan of action, I took out my phone and showed the picture to Alaric who had got out a pen and paper.

"Ok, so that looks like a --- and that is ----, ok ummm that looks about right, and alright so it says :

Природа может завоевать Зло,

Но Любовь может завоевать все."

Looking pretty pleased with himself, Alaric walked back to his kitchen counter and took a swig of whiskey.

"Umm, Alaric, it would kind of help if we had the English translation?"

"Ah, you're right," laughing embarrassed under his breath, Alaric picked up the paper and read :

"Nature can conquer Evil,

But Love can conquer all.

Yep, that's a creepy prophecy if you ever wanted one."

Taking another nervous swig of his whiskey, I sat back on the sofa looking to the ceiling wandering who my new foster sister really was, who exactly me and Elena were living with and how she was allot more than she seemed.

I guess since she's the Original Assassin she must be able to handle herself pretty well.

Bianca Albero (A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें