Chapter 13

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Bianca POV

I had not wakened for 100 years.

Iyanna had not informed me of the duration my hunt would take.

No matter, the hunt was still in play.

The vampires still inhabited nature, therefore I still had a purpose.

To remove them all.

Not Klaus.

Ah, this irritation. A conscience, perhaps? I was not human nor ever had been human, I did not possess a soul and so I surely did not possess a conscience.

No matter, the hunt was still at play.

Increasing my speed I kept this bodies pace through the forest, humans had mis-treated nature in the years I had been sleeping; the air was unclean and the trees called out for my help.

I could feel the white burning of my eyes, shining like a beacon across the forest. This un-bearably bright burning light was my power and it reflected the intensity of my anger at humanity across the tree line.

Humans were created by nature. As I am of nature myself. I have no business with the evil human kind can cause.

I must kill the so-called Original Family, they are the root to this evil that manipulates nature.

The Original, Niklaus. He seemed to recur in my past lives frequently, from the very first.

My human reincarnations were naive to this abomination, a weakness the humans called 'Love'.

The first life, I had not the knowledge that these numerous lives have brought me, nor the brightness of eyes that ironically seemed to brighten with my age, power, experience.

Iyanna had treated me as an ordinary child of magic, she nurtured me as a mother would until it was time for me to fight the enemy. She was preparing me for a battle that I did not understand then, I was naive, and so on meeting members of this Original Family, as I a weapon lived in their village not to their knowledge, I ignored Iyanna's recited pleads with me to stay away. And I met Niklaus.

Shaking my head, to rid myself of these human memories, as I continued to run in pursuit of the Vampire Klaus' scent, I concentrated on my aim.

Iyanna had repeatedly told me of her prophecy:

"Nature can conquer Evil,

But Love can conquer all."

I had never thought of this second line "But Love can conquer all.", always disregarding it, Iyanna told me as a child that when I possessed the spirit of nature I could not Love. Therefore, I as Nature would conquer Evil.

What I never did wander about was the look in her eye when she would tell me this. She would insist on this point, I would defeat them all and the worlds balance would be restored. Her eyes lied where her words and lovings mothers face did not, she wanted goodness in the world but she wanted goodness for what she considered her daughter.

Sighing, I realised where senseless death by the hands of vampires had made me forever determined to kill them, the time I had spent as a human had given me emotions and made me weak.

Concentrating on my surroundings again I saw a break in the tree line up ahead where a town square emerged. Peeking out of the cradle of Nature that protected me in the woods, away from all things steel that could harm me. I stalked out, hyper aware of my surroundings. Catching the vampire Klaus' scent in a near by building, that this life's memories recognised as The Grill, I entered curious to the change of life that this new life's knowledge had required.

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