Chapter 11

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Bianca POV

"Hey, Jer-Jer," preforming a ninja kung-fu move I learnt back in the 15th century and leaping up in Jeremy's face, "now, does this make me look more like an Assassin?"

Laughing "Errmm, no I don't think so, more like Jackie Chan in his comedy movies,"

 "Oh well, maybe this will be more effective, Mr Gilbert,"

Smiling evilly while Jeremy backed away with his hands held up in surrender, I leaped again to grab his massive shaggy head of hair into a headlock, "how do you like that big boy!!"

While Jeremy struggled to remove himself from my headlock while making sure his hair still looked semi-presentable, we tumbled through the doors of the Grill.

Making quite the scene as we fell on the floor laughing.

"Ok, you fool, go get us a seat near the pool table and I'll get us some non-alcoholic drinks," pointing at him faux strictly in a motherly 'No drinking before you're 21!' pose, chuckling to myself I waltzed over to the bar not really caring for the lingering stares at my 'new' tattoos.

Leaning on the bar with my elbows I surveyed the room.

The arms of my stolen leather jacket falling down, sorry Damon, I rolled them up when I caught an intoxicatingly familiar scent coming from directly in front of me.

My nostrils flaring, I breathed deeply and refused to let the tears that had been stored up for 900 years fall.

Allowing myself one look, I found myself locked in his stare.

Those blue eyes that made the bite he gave me tingle.

The itching in the back of my head that informed me that I must kill him.

That place in my heart that told me I couldn't.

Those blue eyes, so very blue, held such a yearning depth and vulnerability that no one would ever see - except me, and well his family when I subconsciously made him stake them.

 Not being able to take the proximity while my very nature demanded I kill him and end his very existence, I ran.

Ran from the Grill, from Jeremy, from Him.

Making it to the Forest I could feel him following me out, He knew that I could end him yet the idiot continued as he had from the moment he saw me.

Brushing the trees arms as they were my family, calming my sorrow, I made it to my tree.

"Stop, my love! Love, please." reaching me and pushing my arms against my ancient structured tree in a tender passioned clutch.

Refusing to meet his eyes, knowing that that would be the end, I could never look full into his eyes without losing my control.

I was not the fledgling I used to be.

Hands placed beneath my chin, he tilted my face upwards to meet his.

Cursing this moment, yet needing it so completely, I met him halfway.

Our lips melded together in a passion so intense I thought it may kill me.

The combination of fierce passion and loving gentility weakened my knees.

This is why I must destroy them.

They weakened me, with their eyes and forever vacant hearts.

As if knowing he must prove me wrong at this moment, He moved his lips to caress my cheeks with them following the pattern of my vined tattoos and for the first in a long time since I made him stake his family members with my white oak ash, he looked into my eyes.

At that instant I felt it, they turned to an obsidian white - the purest, darkest white, my eyes transformed as the real Assassin inside me was released again.

Knowing completely what he had done to himself, he stated in all clarity,

"I love you with all that I have, I just had to see your beautiful, heavenly eyes again no matter the cost."

Then my love ran from me, knowing now his fate.

"Niklaus Mikaelsen, you must die."

I began the hunt to assassinate the only being I had ever loved.

Bianca Albero (A Vampire Diaries Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now