Rejected By My Mate.

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WARNING !!!!!!!!
There are grammar errors, yes, I know. I was planning to fix them but I changed my mind since I wrote this almost four years ago. I want to write a better rejection story but for now this is all I can offer.

Allie Woods at the top.


I'm going to tell you a little about myself.

My name is Allie Woods,

I have brown hair and brown eyes,

I'm a ugly fat slob that get bullied all the time,

And I'm a she-wolf,

that my pack hates.

I'm walking down the hall at school trying to avoid the 'mean girls' of the school. They are one of the main reasons my life is a living hell, but I guess my luck is horrible because here they come.

The leader of the bitches Ashley Roberts she had long blonde hair with light blue eyes and an hour glass figure. Something that I wished I had.

"Hey fat ass" her little pack giggled at me.

I didn't say anything.

She grabbed my hair and slung me into the lockers. I fell to the floor in pain.

When I looked up a crowed was already around us laughing.

"I said hey fat ass!!"

"H-hey" I stuttered

Her pack laughed at me again. I hate that I have to go through this everyday only if I could find my mate. He would protect me.

Ashley kicked me in the side. I screamed out in pain while everyone laughed at me.

I felt something cold go down my back. Ashley was pouring her drink down my back. The whole hall filled with laughter. I began to cry. Why did this have to happen to me? Why was I so fat and ugly? Why can't I just find my mate already?

"Leave her alone." a husky voice came over the crowed and everybody went silent.

I looked up to see Derek the future Alpha of our pack, the one and only person I had a crush on.

He walked up to me and put out his hand for he could help me up. Of course I accepted it. When our hands touch a shock went up my arm. "Mate" I whispered. When I looked up at him his face was filled with disgust. He snatched his hand away from mind.

The entire werewolf's in the crowed herd me when I said 'mate' they all looked confused.


When he said that my heart broke. Before I knew it I was out the door. I turned into my pure white wolf and ran into the wood not caring that my clothes ripped into pieces.

When I was in front of the pack house. I ran in the house looking out for my older brother Eric the only person who cared for me. He stayed home today because he was sick. When I saw nobody was around I ran up to my room and started to pack my clothes and my phone and laptop and my other important things.

I was about to leave when I thought I should leave a note for Eric won't panic thinking something had happened to me.

Dear Eric,

I'm tired of being bulled and called names. So I'm leaving please don't come looking for me. I just wanted you to know I'm safe.



I grabbed Eric spare key and ran out the door. I already knew where I was going. I have a friend named Abby she lives about five hours away from here. She is a werewolf to but she doesn't belong to a pack.

I jumped in Eric's car. When I was backing out Eric came running out the door. I ignored him and drove off.

Eric POV

I found a note on my sister bed saying she was leaving. I heard my car crank up. I ran out the door. Allie was pulling out I chased after her but she wouldn't stop. She drove off and there was nothing I could do. I dropped to my knees and began to cry. I couldn't hold back the tears. My little sister was gone and it was my fault. She was being bullied I did nothing to help her.

Derek car pulled up in our drive way. Running out the car when he saw me on the ground crying.

"What's wrong?"

I couldn't say anything I just gave him the note and let him read it. Derek was now crying along with me.

"It's my fault" he said.

"What, no it's not" I said to him.

"Yes it is!! If I hadn't rejected her she would still be here!!! She is my mate and look what I have done to her!!"

"WHAT!!!" I was furious now. I got up and went in the house and slammed the door. I locked him out I didn't want to see his face right now. He began to bang on the door saying he was sorry but I just curled up on the floor and cried.

Allie POV {4 hours later}

I was now at Abby's house knocking on the door. When she opened the door I ran and gave her a hug.

Abby had dyed red hair and black eyes and an hour glass figure that I had wished for.

I pulled out of her hug.

"I miss you Abby"

"I miss you too Allie" she almost screeched.

She took me into her house that actually was kind of big for one person.

I told her why I came to stay with her and she told me I was welcome anytime.

She showed me to my room and the first thing I did was lay across my bed and went out like a light.


Well I am now sixteen and skinny. I finally had got an hour glass figure I was wishing for. Abby took me to the gym almost every day. Well anyways I KNOW HAVE BOOBS!!! I'm in a 34c. I'm soooo proud of myself.

I threw on my favorite pare of ripped black skinny jeans ,a purple tank top that showed off my boobs, and my purple converse to match.

I ran down stairs and jumped onto Abby giving her a hug.

"Hey Allie I have good news"

Ono all the time Abby says she has good news it turn into something bad.

"What is it" I said in a sluggish voice.

"You don't sound exited" she said while gasping.

"Well all the time you say you have good news it all ways turn out to be bad news" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Well you will like this" I sighed.

"What is it" she laughed

"WERE MOVING BACK TO YOUR OLD TOWN!!" I almost fell out of my chair from surprise.

"how the hell is that good news!!!" she had a big smile on her face.

" well your brother missed you and I want to see your ex-mate face when he sees how hot you've become."

I had to agree with this one I wanted to see his face too but I was also scared."

"come on Allie I will be with you" she made the puppy face I sighed.

"ok" she smiled and gave me a hug. Well next stop,HELL.


so what did you think please comment and tell me

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