Chapter 6

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Rigel grabbed Kizer's collar and he was down in an instant when he punched him so strong that made me shriek.

I was so scared and worried about Kizer.

"Stop!! You two!" I shouted but they don't seem to mind me.

Kizer stood up and made a revenge through a strong punch. I couldn't take this anymore.

I walked fast in between the two to stop whatever worse that's happening now.

"Please stop!" I cried

I couldn't control my tears anymore that they profusely rolled down my cheeks.

This unruly behavior of these two is the worst that I've ever seen in my life.

What can make them stop? How?

They exchanged punches and kicks that gave me the feeling that I'm in a street fight match. You know how frightening that is.

I am still crying, kneeling on the ground pleading them to stop, until they actually do. Probably because of exhaustion. Serve them right, they didn't even listened to me. HOW DARE THEY? I cursed in my mind.

I guess I can now leave, how ever I plead it's futile they won't listen anyways. I'll let them kill each other, obviously that's what they're trying to do.

"You know what? I'm so done with this war whatever the reason I couldn't decipher and you both don't want to unveil."

I vexatiously stated.

Honestly, I don't want to ask any of them because there are two sides of the coin and in their own perspective they're both right.

No one dared to talk back to me. Whatever.

I started walking away from what I consider a war zone

No one tried to stop me, well even if they try I won't listen -just like what they did.
Until I heard a loud thud that made my heart beat frantically. I halted to where I was standing and slowly turned my back to see who fall down?

"Sh*t" I cursed I ran as fas as I could to where he was and when I got there he was unconscious. Gash, he might have had a concussion. What should I do?

I shook his shoulders and carried his head to my legs. No! This can't be happening.

"Hey Edwards! wake up" I cried
"Kizer? Kizer!" I repeated his name but he never even moved a muscle.

I thought of Rigel who's just right behind me. Only to find out that he passed out either.

Oh goodness what a luck.

I opened my phone and dialled 911

"Yes Hello?" I cried over the phone

"Please help me, my two friends here just got involved to a fight. Now they're unconscious, please please help us." I sob while the person on the phone helped soothe me.

"Hold on there ma'am, rescue will be there in a minute." Then I hung up.

I was so nervous, I don't know what to do. I don't know who to call.

We arrived at the hospital and soon realized that I have blood stains all over my shirt.

Oh God! Whose blood is this? I placed my right hand on my mouth to control my sobs but it was futile.

I think this is Kizer's

They're both scheduled for CT scan to see if they have suffered a concussion.

How in the hell they're still unconscious?

Did they suffer so bad? Like a broken bone, or skull or anything?

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