Chapter 9

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He was so near that I can smell his fresh breath.

I cannot control my tense nerves anymore that I had to close my eyes to remind me that this is just a dream.

Yeah I just have to close my eyes and when I open it, he will he be gone. I kept repeating in my mind.

"What are you doing?"
he asked, obviously staggered to what I was doing.

"I uhm feeling the ambience of this place" I lied.

"And I here on the other hand is trying to unbuckle your seat belt so you can now open your eyes cause  I ain't gonna do anything that is against your will ok?"
he smiled that calmed my tense nerves.

Since I don't have any good answer I just nodded.

He tapped the bridge of my nose

"Good" he smilingly said.

  He went out of the car and I watched him as he open the car door for me.

I indulge myself at the thought that I'm being treated more than special.

More than special? More than a friend?

What does this mean? I shook my head at the thought.

No! no! no! it can't be,
we are just here like what other friends do. No more no less.

"Hey Carls!! Come hither you've gotta see this."

He shouted and that's the time I was pulled out from my impossible reverie.

He was about 10meters away from me.

I run to where he was and I witnessed the most beautiful scenery I have ever witness in my life.

The sun setting at the horizon where it accentuated the blue water is just breathtakingly amazing.

Flocks of birds flying from north to south, I covered my mouth with my right hand. This is amazing I thought.

I thought this place exists only in dreams, wow! Just wow!

My subconscious's even amazed with the view, this is far but it sure is worth the time.

"How did I know this place?" Rigel suddenly spoke

"Uh yeah, how did you know I was going to ask that?" I answered.

He slightly smiled which I think is cute.

"I have these mind reading skills" he smugly said.

"oh really? What's the reason behind then? Why did you brought me to this place?"

He heaves a sigh before speaking.

"Before I tell you will you listen to my story first?

The story I've been keeping in my heart for years will you listen to it?"

To my curiosity, I just nod and never uttered a word.

He made a slight smile and then he started,


"Once upon a time a man complicated life met a lady
--the most beautiful lady in the world" he looked me in the eyes before continuing,

"She has stunning hazel brown eyes that would drown you into its unique beauty"

She must be special because I can almost hear his heart pounding while he delivers each word.

"She's so simple but has this unexplainable charisma that attracts positive vibe"

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