Chapter 7

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I was shocked at Kizer's revelation, but I couldn't actually tell whether it's true or not. I left his room dumbfounded.

'It could have been me if only you gave me the chance'

I went Rigel's room as if nothing happened. I guess I just have to forget everything. Or should I?

Is it important? Should I force myself to remember?

"You just need to take these medicines 3x a day" the nurse instructed before she left.

The two had been discharge after a day since there were no major injuries. They both went home black and blue.

And they passed out because of exhaustion according to the Doctor

I started forgetting the sanguinary fight that separated my soul from my body, with utmost perseverance and exaggeration of course.

The next days gone by and we're back to the old ways.

me studying, Rigel focusing on his studies as well and Kizer's back to his old annoying ways.

During the weekends Rigel would fetch me to my house and would treat me foods I love like Ice cream, Fruit Shakes and all sorts of sweets.

He's been doing this since the day he was discharged from the hospital.

I stretched my hands, yawned. Yay! It's Good Saturday morning Carla Rave Jones.

I smiled as I greeted and welcomed myself to my favorite day--Saturday.

Until my phone rung so hard and I soon realize that someone is actually calling.

I stare at the caller's name. I smiled for a second before answering it.

"Good morning CR Jones"

What's up with the names? I thought

"Hey Miller, what's your important agenda that you had to ruin my beautiful morning?"
I joked

"Did I? I'm sorry I'm just gonna call later then" he worriedly replied.

I literally laugh when all I wanted was to just keep my laugh mentally.

"I'm just kidding, you're too serious." I truthfully revealed

"Seriously, what is it?" I added

He took a deep breath before answering.

"I was just wondering if you know, you could, sort of. Ah uhm" he stated each word with hesitance

"I could what?"I innocently asked, still smiling. This is probably because I'm visualizing him scratching the back of his head and his face turning red.

"Can you walk with me at the park again?" He stated

"My treat" he added

"Sure" I answered without hesitation

"Really?"  He exclaimed
"Really."  I replied.
Walking at the park had been a mundane activity of us two.

"Hey don't you remember anything about walking with someone here at this same spot?" Rigel asked breaking the silence.

I creased my eyebrows dredging the answer to his question but I literally couldn't find any.

"I think I do" I seriously answered.

"Really?" he replied with an obvious excitement in his tone.

I playfully punch his arms before answering "No, I'm just kidding" I laughed

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