Chapter 11

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I was treading my way back home when it started raining. And every drop seems to represent the sky's sympathy with how heavy my chest is feeling right now.

I walked in a slow pace like I've lost all the energy I have in me. Everything seems so painful that it makes it so hard to move.

"Carly babes, what are you doing?" A man with a familiar voice shouted from nowhere.

I looked at the arcade near me, and there I saw my best friend whom I haven't seen for God knows how long.

He's standing in the same arcade where I saw him. Tears started forming in my eyes as I reminisce the times he was caught off guards.

"Hey! Have you been crying?" Joven asked in pure concern looking into my bloodshot eyes.

I took a second of silence and he took it as cue to pull me into a bone crushing hug--The very thing I needed right at this very moment.

He assisted me to sit inside the nearest coffee shop.

"What happened?" He asked in curiosity

"I-i-i don't know" I stuttered

"I'm confused"

He didn't bother asking any further questions.

He might have sense that I'm uncomfortable.

Joven took me home. And I sat by my bed not totally minding about my partially wet garments.

That's the least important thing right now.
I hate this, this feeling that shows me that I don't have anyone to hold onto but myself.

I'm all alone.

Seriously of all places he chose to asked me to meet him here?

What's the matter? At least you won't have to be cautious about those people who might be eavesdropping.

My subconscious butting in again

"How long have you been here?" A voice coming from behind casually asked.

I turned my back before answering.

"Not so long ago" I answered with a slight smile.

He seem to be not so feeling well that makes his visage a little pale.

Torn Againजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें