Chapter 13

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I was trap in deep trances clearly forgetting about where I'm currently at.
I am at the highway.

I was pulled out from reverie.
Someone took me off the way.


I looked back, heard a loud thud.
And everything went BLANK.
Everything went blank as I find myself blankly starring at bloody person.

Things wouldn't sink in for a second as I was so stun at the event right in front me.

I gape my mouth as I stare at the inconceivable view at my sight

The driver went out the car so as his wife.

The woman started screaming and that's when I got back to my senses.

People started gathering in the place to take a closer look

I slowly walked near him and I literally fell on my knees when I confirmed who it was.


However did he got here is the least important thing right now.

He was unconscious for a while when I got to where he was and that moment I was sure.

I was certain, that I don't want to lose him.

And right at this moment I wish he survives.

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He uttered with a slight grimace making my heart ache.

How can he still care about how am I with his condition right now?

"No, no, no" I cried.

"How could you still say those things, no Kizer we'll get to the hospital. Okay? Okay? Please just stay awake okay?"
I added in haste as if I'll lose him if I don't say it fast.

He held my hand and staining it with his blood.

"Carla listen here."
He closed his eyes for a second.

"Those words I told you that day, I bid my goodbye but I didn't really went away, you we're the most important person to me. You know that right?"
He added.

My tears won't stop and I don't care.

"I know, Kizer please no, don't say those words. You're staying with me right? Stay with me."

I held his hands so afraid that I might lose him when I let go.

And that won't happen. I'm never gonna let him go.

I do not know when did the paramedics came I'm just glad they are here.

Kizer, made a painful grimace as the paramedics carried him into the ambulance.

I unconsciously made my way inside too.

"Hey you Idiot we're almost there, you have to hold on do you understand?"
I nervously said still holding his hand.

He didn't respond.

My heart started pounding again.
I can't cry anymore. No tears came out.

Every beat of my heart seems to stop.

"I said we're almost there, didn't you hear me? Kizer please."

My voice was shaking, I held onto his hand tighter.
examining his face that resembles pain.
And that moment I saw him made a slight smile.

I felt a relief that he's still fighting.

He still is fighting, I won't let go of you Kizer ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2018 ⏰

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