Second appeal

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So it's 50% precent on zerries case except I wouldn't call it 50 , more than 70-30% precent because I am a big fan of zayn .
Back to the main issue ,
# Juliets cousin is selfish & macreutio is a jerk defensive one , who am I fooling ? I am so nervous , I just remembered my exams starts
less than 4 weeks , and it's national Jordanian exam , it's called tawjehi , and I donnot want to fail my family and the people who care for me , especially my mom because she helps me a lot , she gets what I say or express although she cannot tell I am choosing which but she trusts me mainly and we might not be the most happy family but I love both my brother and mother , it's family's support that gets you through the day , I am babbling about nonsense but heyyyyy family is Sth and its big .
So back to the subject "main one "
Romeo and Juliet
Secondly , we arenot suppose to let two young people take their own decisions about love , life ..........etc
We are suppose to support and guide , when I think back to the worlds human center attacking Islam about young marriage , well it isnot fair
Because your Romeo and Juliet is a good clue , they were nearly 18 & got married and couldnot love each other just because it's love from the first sight , well I & many girls around the world see thousands a day
Does that mean we might / have to love them ?
Does this mean I should walk and stare into people's eyes ? Mainly guys
Because I am searching for love ...
That is weak and you are slaving your self .
Why would you even bother get into a relationship just because you wish to find love ??
You sound hopeless & completely idiot , you might have studied and made great things why must you throw all that away ??
Be brave and have  adventures not wild ones but live and help
Give and hope
But not too many
And not stupidly
Be you while every body gets to look
Look at your self as what for you really are
And if you are getting hate , I am so oo oo oo oo oo sorry , and it's not true you are beautiful
And you have secrets just like every one just live it , fight with all your power
And never let them defeat you ,
You are awesome !
So donnot look at what people say because they will say / talk / chat anyway no matter what you do , no matter who you are
So be you

* no i am not pushing you to lose your relationship .. i just think you should reconsider what you have if it's toxic, i think you should leave it.. in the end it's your life. 

*but you can still enjoy this story

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