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You see I don't act like girls nowadays, going shopping or whatever they do , I like casual & practical stuff , I like it simple and easy "not easy as in no boundaries but without judging"  , just the opposite of the girls nowadays, I also have different interests, I want to join the military Air Force "maybe", I want to fight and be a solider who protects the civilian from all around the globe, although my father disagrees with me , I want to be just like him , a hero , well , in my case a heroine, I want to be known for bravery and outstanding capabilities, I want for everyone to believe they are in good hands & great care .

My father was one of the least who managed to stay healthy and physically alive and well , & for that we were all grateful, but I was so against fighting people and occupying their country in the name of freedom & democracy , we are all humans, & we all don't and mustn't get judged by each other , it's our creator's job.

Christian or not , I respect all the religions.. all of those thoughts were in my head as the teacher was demonstrating the history of art, how sculpture made thing how they are now, how did it affect us "thinking, way of living etc" ..etc

we talked about the first ages "when it was right after the dinosaurs era.. abit"

which also made me think maybe i can travel the world to determine my life choices..

after alot of discussions and good 5 minutes, the bell rang

with that my schedule continued. math, psychology, economics, computer lab, chemistry and we're done i told myself

my break is there somewhere between these guys 

i hope i get something nice . a cupcake, sandwich and a juice ?idk but i am hungry abit now..

..after hours of school, we're done for the day ! Nothing more than a school day of senior year , 150 days left to go..

i guess the start of this year wasn't big as last year's homecoming party, this year i didn't go because i felt old-er than a party i can't tell the purpose of it to me.. so did eliya and catherine, we went to the park and just played and goofed around a bit..

Courtney went with the guy she talked about, mia with edward , it was almost a double date. 

eliya kept creeping on me that will "my crush " is going with mary.. well maybe that's because i didn't go .. but i could have gone with one of the guys who asked me .. maybe i shouldn't over think it.. prom is coming and maybe something magical will happen..

i am not pathetically inlove with him, i just like his looks and his way of thinking, talking..etc 

we played and bought slushies and walked home.. new neighbors had moved in with their cute  dog and sons.. scott and dylan "pretty much look like to teen wolf" , older than me and taller.. they were just walking by when Catherine just shouted "oh look, hot new neigbours , dylan is mine" so Dylan just turned around and said" okay.. you're cute but can i know your name first"

she blushed and quietly said "oh, blimey.. i am catherine.. everyone calls me kat" and they turned out to be quiet the couple of pranksters .. sarcastic comments, memes and just weirdly annoyingly "sometimes" them   "me fan-girling them" so their nickname is "Dat"or "k-lyne"

they joined our highschool, which was a Big plus .. because i like him and i can tell he likes me "you just know.. idk it happened"

we really became friends quickly afterwards.. As for eliya .. who desperatly loves heather for unknown reason.. 

once we were at lunch break and she just passed by and just was like "heyy heather "in weirdly-girly voice .. and just laughed it off and we went like "oh.. there we go, heather's hair sm-" "smells like roses, and her dress feels like silk and her hand - " and she slapped him. "slaps like hell. ouch."

"Ew .. i would never be with someone like you" squiky voice 

and she just turned her heels and left 

"poor eliya"

"my cheecks hurt.. so does my heart"

"i feel like i am never washing this cheek again"

"lol.. you will ..because i will make you"

"na-ah .. this is the cheek heather has touched "

"she slapped you "

"she quickly touched it with her hand."

"what's the difference .. she may have but she will love me soon .. you'll see"

"yeaaaa..." court, kat, mia and adam said together

i was less sarcastic on this subject because i know he doesn't need to be pushed on what he feels... it's ok to be hurt because of a crush...even for guys..although he has fashion sense and good eye for colors ,  he's straight which is sometimes a big disappointment for others..

honestly who can't love him, someone real.

the day went by, and now i am going home, normal boring day of a senior.. 


he's like Ben wheeler from baby daddy  plus niall at some point.

kat's character is more of holland in teen wolf nice/ sarcastic character

court's character is like riley from baby daddy

i am someone between  sheldon, jennifer "friends"  and penny "more into studying than doing guys" from the big bang theory.

scott and dylan are just like the teen wolf look and character

heather is the bitchy side of  holland's character in teen wolf plus other characters to be named later.

I currently don't remember a character to put both mary and lia in.

*spelling mistakes, vocabulary, grammar is checked later, 

any suggestion/ comment is welcome because why not.

thank you.

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