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we sat the four of us on the table..

*updates more tommorrow*

Yupp , I just had left my parents house, it's hard to say I won't miss them but they will be better off without me, maybe when they see my sacrifices they will know how much it hurts not to back up some who cares for you ,
I know that my parents love me but I have to show the world what have they taught me for every one to appreciate them whether I am Alive  or died ,well or ill, broken or one piece
It's all the same
We are all humans, I rode the train from Michigan to Manhattan city , after all that is where the gathering is this year, I went with all confidence and thoughts , I checked my application & I was denied,
I could not believe my family did this to me!!
I thanked the receptionist and looked for a hotel to stay in ,
The room was cold
Nothing to what I have ever felt
My thoughts
My worries
My anger
I will apply some where else
I said to myself
They can't track me forever
And I did
I sent an application to Texa's , Chicago, Mexican  & even the army costs, just in case
I have to always have a back up plan,
Two days later of complete wordiness I have finally been accepted by army
No family interrupting
Feels good to have responsibility
To be free
For once
& just the next morning I went & got aboard, in a train, to go for the main center, where we are suppose to be tought every single thing in every single moment of every single day,
Sure does feel awesome, right ?? 
I got introduced to the unit
The place so we don't get lost
There weren't many girls
But there were
It felt pretty powerful
& superb
I got into the receptionist and signed my name of attendance and it felt awesome to walk there, as if I was in one of my dreams
The receptionist gave me my room number, I released it is a foursome, I am so excited to meet other girls, who might have the same interests as mine,
So I went to room B203 , I knocked and I opened the door and went in , there were three girls chatting
"Oh you must be faith, that everyone is wondering why you are here when your father is the AOF of the navy , so what brings you here , pet ?
" excuse me , who are you to look in my records, & call me names?? "
" pets aren't allowed here and you are everyone's favorite so please save it "
" what are talking about? My father might be the AOF but I am not going to be treated better than you , we are in the army , not highschool, and please I wonnot be everyone's favorite because I am expected to do things better than all of you so stop snapping at me , when you should pray for some mercy for me "
" whatever "
I don't know what is her problem but it's probably just the beginning!
Why did I have to be his daughter again?
It's twice as harder
Dealing with the family, my dream and now this ,
I can tell it is going to be a long way ...

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