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I wish it had lasted longer, but unfortunately we had to go inside and sleep , I said my good night and went straight to bed , and drifted into my own dreams.
Didn't need me much to sleep but it was some kind of hard after  these things that happen, I needed to re-think of the events that happened to me these past days a lot has happened lots of memories lots of well events my father going to the military mission and me with this Secret mission that I have to go I don't know where  I am going , or when I will be coming back but all I will ever know is that I have to say a lot of long as possible for my parents promise that I won't disappoint them but I don't always do my best to make them always proud but I will try , or else I am going to be a reason for the country flag infront of apartment or backyard, I don't know I have a lot to think of and alot to take in , and to be normal with , my worries are the most recent things in my mind, my father will be gone when I will return to duty , and to my first assigned mission,
And it is really too much ,
And that is when I felt my tears threatening to fall , so I let them, I am going to miss him A LOT!!
I cannot even go back to the days when we got so worried that he might or mightn't come back , what if Sth bad happens to him ، I am trying to push my bad thoughts away but all I can think of are the what ifs
This is too emotional for me , the weakness point and I must fight because our enemies have no mercy towards us , as if we were machines
I closed my eyes after a chain of reckless thoughts and drifted to sleep, my world of wonders and maher as some like to describe it.
I woke up the next day with pink eyes but at least they weren't puffy, they were as if I had applied some eye shadow, really nice move
My lips were also pink
And I hate pink so oo oo oo much
I envy it
I despise it
So girly
And it is almost every girls weakness color
They all dream of being big barbies with the amount of make up they apply
Like really
Dis Gus ting
In my point of view before you harsh me
* the character saying to herself *
So I changed into shorts and a baggy blouse, did my hair , collected some of the clothes I thought I had back in my apartment and went straight down to the kitchen
My mother was making pancakes and my father was reading the newspaper till I came in view,
" what are you wearing?
What is that bag doing with you ?
Wonnot you stop acting like a boy ?
Treat your self well , how are you suppose to live if you stay thinking like that and now that I am going, I don't know what I shall do to make you to take my advices into action "
" some baggy blouse and a short, haven't you always told me I am suppose to start wearing shorts? "
" yea but not like what you look like now , if I wasn't an admiral I will definitely be your stylist "
" and that is why I love you "

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