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The worst kind of defending is that you might lose your precious people, the people that mean the world to you and to your heart , when you feel it might stop beating if they die or Sth bad happens to them , when you become afraid you might lose them and miss them , when Sth bad ruins your connection with them and your afraid that the last word would be Sth you hate the most to the precious people to you .
I think that what happened to me , being afraid to lose my father or mother is terrifying ,
I wanted to ask him, tell him , why now ? Why when I wanted to pursuit my dream, but the words just did not came out and my father was treating me as if nothing happened , he was so happy and so him , and when I think back to myself, I have never seen him smiling like this before , he had dimples and his was typical to mine, with every minute passing I was wishing it would never leave, until the time has come to an end , they followed me to the door thanking me for coming and I thanked them for letting me , until my father asked if I could stay the night just this time and I being I , had to agree . I mean why would not I , I changed into one of my pajamas but couldn't sleep just yet so I went out and sat in the front balcony and watched the stars , enjoyed the fresh air as the chair was swaying back and forth ,
" always there aren't you ? "
" yea I enjoy the view here a lot "
" you might think it isn't the same in your apartment but the truth is they are the same but I have never seen you out in there , hell , even the chairs are still wrapped up "
" no oo oo oo oo I had opened them and tied them up but it didn't feel like here , home "
" so you know home?"
" dad , you know I didn't me-"
" ofcourse I do , why wouldn't I ? You are my daughter, I raised you up till you become what you are now , so don't tell me that I can't tell what is going in your head or what was and will be ? What worries you the most? Even if I hate it , I must admit it, you are an adult, I can't control you but I gave you my advice, my point of perspective, you didn't work by it , it is your choice not mine and will never be ....
I might be harsh and too annoying and devastating but the truth is I am a father before anything and I have got the right to worry for your safety and your mothers, you are both the sun shining my world, how can anyone life without the sun ? How can anyone live by his own even if he is trained to , a human stays a human and will always be a human, no matter our mistakes, and flaws and terrible actions, behaviors and acts , we are all some how still and will always be connected, and it is never by choice..
" I forgot that although you are a military based man , you still speak as the wisest of them all "
" that is why I married him , and I think you have discovered my secret, and he always is and will be "
" awwww you guys are the best couple a person can tell of , and I love the both of you "
" ofcourse you do "

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