Chapter 15- stiles

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Even though I was happy that Derek promised to not fight with me again I still felt sad. Something was making me feel left out as I walked to the room I shared with Scott, Danny, Liam, and Jackson. Parrish, Derek, Boyd, and Isaac all shared room two.

The girl's side had Allison, Cora, and Erica in one room and Kira, And Lydia in room two.

I knew our rooms could turn bad because the pack was like family, and unfortunately even the most perfect family has it's disputes.

I entered the room and chose the single bed in the right back corner of the room, there was also two other bunk beds for the others.

Since the movie was still going on I could unpack my stuff in peace and even lay down. First I unloaded my pants and swim trunks into one drawer and my shirts into another drawer.

I then plugged up my phone and laptop and hung up some posters and made the bed. I also sat out a couple of pictures. One was of the pack and we were all laughing. Danny had shot it without us knowing. The next one was me and my mom, and then me, my dad, and Scott.

Lately me and my dad have been distant, maybe that is why I feel sad. I frowned and hugged the picture before I grabbed my stuffed wolf wearing my miniature lacrosse jersey and I climbed in bed.

Pretty soon I was dead asleep.

I only slept about three hours before I jumped awake. For some reason the feeling was back but stronger than ever and I felt like crying, but every one was in their assigned rooms and I didn't want Jackson to wake up and make fun of me so I climbed out of bed.

I wandered into the kitchen and out the balcony doors and sat down. I was only there for a minute when all of my tears poured out.

I felt like this was all my fault. If I had noticed Liam was being abused I could have stopped it also because I left and I was distracted on the road and I got kidnapped. Because I was being a baby Derek yelled at me. Sobs racked my body so I didn't hear the door open but then I heard a voice that I didn't want to hear.


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