(CH.6: The Day Before

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-Claude's P.O.V.-

"Claudeeee!!!" A high pitched voiced called out from the halls of a manor. Rushing to the callers side Knelling down, a golden eyed butler stood assisting the young boy. He looked to his master. "Yes your highness?"

"Oh Claude! Oh Claude! Guess what?! The young boy said jumping up and down with excitement in his bright blue eyes. "What may it be..?" His butler asked. The young boy clenched his fists glaring down at his butler. "I believe I told you to guess."

The butler stayed silent changing his blank expression to a annoyed one.

"Is it a new event?" I can't stand this brat.

"Even better." The boy smirked.

"Someone ne-"

"YES!.. But." Getting on both knees he sighed and traced his hand along the side of his butlers face. "I need him captured."

"Yes your highness." I noticed another earl nearby which I have seen around on my earrands. he was quite known as well with a title as the queens guard dog. I knew exactly who my master is talking about.

Standing up the golden eyed butler made his way out quickly, leaving his master on the floor. "It'll be nice to meet you face to face.. Ciel Phantomhive."

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