(CH.11: A Deal

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"I don't mean to interrupt though I have important matters to discuss with you."

"Very well." Putting his masters shirt back on, the demon left the other waiting while he carried Ciel to his bedroom dead silent. Many questions made there way to the young boy but his words got caught in his throat. Setting his young master upon his bed, Sebastian made his way out. Before closing the door, glancing back he spoke in a suggestive tone.

"We'll continue this later."

"We will not." Ciel added.

Laying there Ciel fought with his thoughts. If people were to know, my family's reputation would be ruined. Along with that I would be stripped of everything, losing my nobility.. a slight blush appeared as he remembered the warmth of Sebastian on top of him. Turning his head with his eyes halfway open he glared at the small maroon box he had examined earlier until he fell asleep. The wind was the same though the stars of the sky faded.

"Didn't people ever tell you to not play with your food?"

"And who's contract seal marks the skin of the boy?"

Claude shot a glare pushing his glasses upright not answering.

"What do you think will happen if the word got out of your masters affair?.. Surely there'd be a problem." A smirk crept it's way onto the golden eyed demon.

Anger had made it's way up Sebastian's sleeve as he glared back at the other demon.

"I have a offer." Claude stated as Sebastian hummed in response.

"I won't worsen his life, only if you switch masters with me."

Sebastian had never shown as much anger in centuries. If he only knew it would get worse...

"How long?....." Sebastian questioned.

"A week."


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