Episode 3 - Another Friend

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"Look we're out of the woods Vee!” Orange said to her partner. She looked down at the brown little fox, it had a tan, fluffy mane and a tan tip on its tail.

“Eevee,” it exclaimed. Its deep black eyes shined up at her and brimmed with cheerfulness.

“Nido!” a blue blur shot toward Eevee and tackled it.

“Vee are you alright?” the trainer asked worriedly.

“Vee – vee,” it said as the little blue Pokémon tugged on Eevee's ear.

Orange flipped open her Pokédex and read, “Nidoran ♀: Though small, it must be treated with caution because of its powerfully toxic barbs. The female has smaller horns.”

Eevee began to chase around the Nidoran and they ran in circles around the jolly girl. It's almost as if they're playing tag, how cute!

“It's so cute!” Orange squealed. “Eevee do you want to take your friend with us?”

Eevee paused. It came up and stood on its hind legs, it pawed on its trainer's legs excitedly.

“Eevee vee,” it said. It was as if the small creature was saying 'well duh! I want to take my friend along!'

“Would you want to come with us little Nidoran?” Orange asked it. It appeared to be happy as it mimicked Eevee.

“I take that as a yes,” Orange giggled. She took out her Poké Ball and tapped the Nidoran. It was captured without hassle.

“I think I am going to name you Amity,” she said to the cute little Pokémon. She returned her Eevee to its Poké Ball and entered Pewter City.

Hmm, she thought, I should probably check into the Pokémon Center it's getting kind of late. Orange continued to wander around the city until she found the center. She gave Liora to Nurse Joy and asked for a room.

“You'll have to share a room if you want to stay here,” Nurse Joy said cheerily.

“That's no problem ma'am,” Orange said. She followed Nurse Joy to door of the room and Nurse Joy knocked.

“Is it all right if you share a room?” Nurse Joy asked the person on the other side of the room.

“It's fine,” a muffled voice said on the other side of the door. Nurse Joy left and Orange opened the door.

“Poliwhirl!” Orange exclaimed and tackled the poor creature from behind and onto the floor.


Orange looked up at the bed to see Red.

“Red!” she shouted, less excitedly of course, he wasn't a Pokémon after all. “What are you doing here?”

“I'm challenging the gym leader tomorrow,” the determined boy stated.

“A gym leader?” Orange questioned.

“Yeah, if you get a badge it'll make your Pokémon stronger,” he said. “Well I'm going to catch some sleep.”

He crawled into bed and immediately fell asleep.

Orange blinked and looked at Poliwhirl and it looked back at her.

“Alright come on out,” she whispered and released her two Pokémon from their Poké Balls. There was a knock at the door and she answered.

“Here is your Caterpie back,” Nurse Joy said and handed her to the Poké Ball.

“Thank you very much,” Orange said smiling. Nurse Joy smiled and left. Orange released Liora.

“I'm going to go out for a bit,” she told her Pokémon. The preteen left her Pokémon with her cousin and left the Pokémon Center. Her stomach growled with hunger. Hmm, I wonder where I can get a bite to eat. She looked around, the sun was setting so businesses were starting to close up. I better find something quick. She skimmed the streets as she wandered through them, not too far away from the Center though. She eventually decided on a small diner on the corner. She entered the semi-dimly lit eatery and sat down.

“May I take your order?” a spirited teenage waitress asked.

“What is your special today?” Orange asked, trying to sound grown up.

“Today its potato and spinach soup,” the teen answered, her face twinged with disguised at the word spinach.

“That sounds good to me,” Orange said.

“What would you like to drink?” the hostess asked.

“Water is fine,” the ten year old replied. The waitress took her order and soon returned with her dinner. Orange ate her soup in blissfulness. It simply was the best thing, scratch that nothing could beat her favorite sweets but other than that, it was the best thing she had ever eaten. She payed for her meal and then strolled down the street. There was a street vendor Her selling Poké Snacks. She decided to buy some for her Pokémon. He said each color goes with the type, so Normal would white, Bug and Grass would be green, and so on. Orange arrived back in her room and found her Pokémon all curled next to one another on the bed. She smiled to herself and sat on the bed. Groggily all of them woke up and made room for her. Her Eevee snuggled next to her feet, her Nidoran on one side and Caterpie on the other. She reached over and turned the light off and went to sleep.

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