Episode 10 - That Really Frosts My Cupcakes

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Orange stretched and yawned. She leaned over to pet her beloved Pokémon, only to realize that they weren't there. Oh yeah. Nurse Joy has my Pokémon. Before Orange even got dressed, she dashed down to the counter.

“Nurse Joy how are my Pokemon?” she blurted out.

Nurse Joy smiled, “they are right here.”

She reached underneath the counter and handed four Poké Balls to the novice trainer.

“Thank you soo much!” Orange exclaimed, taking the Poké Balls from the nurse.

“I see you haven't gotten any better at Pokémon battling,” a haughty voice said.

“Gee thanks Green,” she sarcastically replied.

“I'm on my way to get my third gym badge,” he gloated.

“Good for you,” Orange said. Way to blow your own horn.

“Which is more than what I can say for you,” he paused looking her up and down, “seeing as you're still in your pajamas, and it's one in the afternoon.”

She looked down at her outfit. It was black tank top and shorty shorts. Oh yeah. Why do I suddenly feel naked?

“Well I had a late night training that's all,” she said in a huff, a slight blush became visible on her cheeks. He went to say another snide remark but Orange stormed off. She got dressed and grabbed her possessions. She made her bed and left the Center.

“Hey Orange!” the oh so familiar snooty boy shouted trying to get her attention.

“What!” she snapped, turning around to face him.

“Want to have another battle?” he asked mockingly.

Oh he really grinds my gears. She glowered at him, “no.”

She stormed out of the city to go to Saffron, Green following right behind her. She was so out of it that she barely even noticed when she slammed into the invisible wall in front of her. Dang it.

Green laughed at her when it happened. “Why don't you pay attention to where you're going.”

Orange glared at the force field with such intensity that she swore it'd burst into flames. Her face darkened and she briskly turned to face him.

Green stopped his laughter and gulped. I've never seen her so angry before.

“Green,” she paused and took a deep breath. Her facial expression changed from angry to a creepy smile.

“Yes?..” he answered hesitantly.

“Fix it!” she said pointing to the wall.

A nervous drop of sweat fell down the side of his face.

“I don't know how?...” he paused intimidated by the now furious girl.

“You are so useless,” she spat. Stupid... Condescending... Impossible... Ugh! She let Aria out of its Poké Ball. This really frosts my cupcakes.

“Let's go Aria!” she commanded.

Not putting up with its trainer's attitude the Jigglypuff used Double Slap.

“Jiggly,” it said in a huff.

The teenage boy watched dumbfounded. I'm useless? He was lost in his thoughts. When did this wimpy little girl become so intimidating and strong willed? Wasn't she the one who use to get stuck in the tree in his backyard and cry her eyes out until he would get her down? What about when she fell into the lake and almost drowned because she didn't know how to swim? Am I not going to be her hero anymore? As much as he didn't want to admit it, he really enjoyed saving her.

“I'm sorry Aria,” she apologized to her Jigglypuff, now back to her usual self. “Will you please help me over?”

“Jiggly,” it sulked.

“Come on! I know you want the microphone we saw in the magazine the other day,” Orange bribed. “The only way to get it is to go to Celadon City!” The pink balloon's eyes glimmered with excitement. It immediately began to blow itself up into and Orange grabbed its hand. “Bye Green,” she said waving. She forgot all of her resentment towards him.

“Bye,” he muttered not knowing what to say. Onward to Lavender Town I guess.

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