Episode 7 - Enter Violet

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Groggily Orange awakened. She looked around, she was moving. The cool air hit her face and made her wide awake. She wasn't at Mt. Moon anymore. She was some place covered in tall grass, it wasn't as lush as the patches near Pallet but nice enough for Pokémon to hide in. The sky was lighter than when she went into the cave. It's so nice not being in a cave and out in the open. How was she moving? Holy crap I'm on a Rapidash! she thought and started to flail.

“Would you chill out?” a voice snapped in front of her.

Orange realized that she was leaning on someone's back. She calmed herself down and hugged the person in front of her... tightly. I really don't like riding horse back, she thought and shut her eyes tight. “Who are you? Where are we? What's going on?”

“Do you always ask so many questions?” the impatient woman asked borderline sarcastically.

“Well excuse me for being confused. I mean I was just being dragged away in a dark, creepy cave, and now I'm holding on to some stranger with an attitude problem,” Orange barked.

“Well sorry for rescuing you,” the stranger said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. The two rode in silence until it started to get dark out. The stranger pulled her Rapidash to a stop. The two dismounted the horse and sat down.

“So what in the world is going on?” Orange asked.

“To answer your questions from earlier, my name is Violet. We are North of Cerulean City.”

“Isn't that near Bill?!” Orange exclaimed. Oh how she always wanted to meet him. He is a Pokémaniac just like her, only he is the best. She idolized him.

“Calm down,” Violet said covering her ears.

“We can go visit him.” They started walking toward the Sea Cottage. The route to it was surrounded in tall, beautiful trees and tall grass was abundant. Common, wild Pokémon scampered around them but didn't disturb the traveling duo. Violet informed Orange about what happened after she passed out. Violet had been tracking down Team Rocket's movements for some time. She found Orange passed out outside Mt. Moon and she was being searched for, what Violet assumed, her Pokémon. Violet decided that she had to take action. She managed to distract the grunt and snag Orange. She just kept riding farther and farther away from the site on her Rapidash.

Orange flipped out at the thought of some guy trying to grab her Poké Balls. She sifted through her stuff. Amity, Vee, and Aria...

“Where the hell is Liora!!” Orange exclaimed and proceeded to flip out.

“Liora! Liora baby! Where are you?” she cried and started to weep. You were the first Pokémon I caught. You were my first step to becoming a trainer. Where are you Liora? My sweet, sweet Metapod.

“Calm down,” Violet said, trying to calm down the overwhelmed girl. “I'm sure we can go back and find your Metapod tomorrow. Its Poké Ball probably fell out during the incident.”

“You think so?” Orange asked, taking in a deep breath. Her eyes were extremely puffy and red by this time. Vee popped out of its ball and sat on its trainer's shoulder. It licked away some of the salty tears that were streaming down Orange's face. She pulled the small fox into her arms and stroked its coat. The feeling of its soft, luxurious fur going through her fingers calmed the young girl down. By time Orange was able to get her composure back they had reached Bill's Sea Cottage.

“I'm so nervous!” Orange said rubbing her hands together, her voice still holding onto its sad tone.

“What's there to be nervous about?”

“He's only the best Pokémaniac ever!” Orange said with a 'what are you stupid' look on her face.

“I still don't see what the big deal is,” Violet replied and knocked on the door.


“For what?”

“I don't want to disturb him,” she muttered.

“Too late now,” Violet stated. They waited for a minute and nobody answered. She knocked again. No answer. “I guess that means you didn't disturb him.”

Orange laughed nervously. “I guess not.”

“Where should we go to next?”

“I don't know. What's the closest city?”

“Hmmm.... Cerulean I think,” Violet said. “Do you want to ride on Rapidash?”

“I don't know...” Orange hesitated.

Violet didn't pay attention let her Rapidash out. She then grabbed Orange's wrist and hoisted her up.

Why always my wrist? Orange wondered.

“Hey what's that?” she asked pointing to a small purple mouse.

“It's a Rattata,” Violate stated.

“But doesn't it look weird?” Orange asked staring at the strange creature.

“You're probably still woozy from being put to sleep,” Violet said. “It's probably nothing.”

“I guess...” Orange paused. “I just wish I could have met Bill,” she sighed.

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