Chapter 16 - Home Sweet Home

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Orange landed in Viridian City after her trip to Mr. Fuji's. Who knew it was so boring back at home? She entered her tiny little place and sat down. I wonder what happened to Violet and Brown. Within moments of her arrival, she already had a knock at the door. She opened up to find two of her best friends.

“Welcome home Orange,” they cheered.

“Wow it feels like forever since I've seen you two!” Orange grinned. “Come in Crimson,” she said as Crimson walked in, “you too Neon.”

“So what have you been up to?” Crimson asked eagerly.

“Just training a bunch!”

“Just training?” Crimson asked with a raised eye brow.

“You never just train,” Neon added.

Orange pouted. “Well I did. I had a teacher too.”

“And who taught you?” Crimson asked.

Orange blushed slightly and fiddled with her fingers. “His name is Indigo.”

“So what is this Indigo like?” her close friend asked.

“He's really cool... not to mention cute... and strong,” Orange blushed.

“Orange has a crush!” Neon exclaimed.

Her face turned an even deeper red. “No I don't.”

“What happened to your crush on Green?” Crimson asked.

“You had a crush on Green?!” Neon exclaimed.

Orange turned away and pouted. “I don't know what you're talking about.”

“Well she always claimed she was going to Professor Oak's to visit the Pokémon but when she came back all she would talk about was Green.” Crimson paused and looked towards Orange. “Green is so cool. I got stuck in a tree when I was following a Weedle and Green helped me down after he heard me crying.”

Orange's face flushed deeper.

“Then there was the time when she fell into the lake when she decided to climb on a Gyarados' back,” Crimson smirked. “Crimson! Green saved me again! Isn't he just the best!” she mimicked. “Today when I accidentally angered some Beedrill, Green and his Charmander came to save me. Crimson! Crimson you'll never believed who saved me from a really angry Tauros! Crimson you'll never believe who caught me after I accidentally peeved off a Fearow.”

Orange's face was so heated up that she almost passed out by this point. “Well... you!” she took a deep breath. “You!”

“I what?” Crimson taunted smirking.

“At least I don't have a crush on Neon!” Orange blurted out.

Crimson shoved Neon out the door as fast as she could. “That's not cool you know.”

“I had to say it sometime,” Orange said sticking her tongue out at her. She sat down at the kitchen table and let her Pokémon out. I don't think I have enough room in here. “Sorry guys,” she said to the bigger Pokémon and returned them to their Poké Balls. Do I really like Green?

I'm Going to Prove Myself to You Someday (Green)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora