chapter 2

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"We need you to fight. We also need you to assist Bruce and another man in finding were Loki is." Natasha tells me as w turn a corner and walk into a room "This is where you will be living for the meantime. Your clothes are on you bed. Get changed and I will meet you back out here." Natasha says as she walks out of my room giving me privacy.

I stare at the clothes. Tight and black. The black black part is okay but... tight? Tight isn't really my style. I like loose, comfy clothes not this. I open the door and see Natasha "anyway I can get something a bit comfier??" I ask and I hear a laugh from behind me, I spin and see Cap

"look in the closet. There might be something more your style in there." Natasha says look at my clothes. I smile, close the door and take a look in the closet. I see a bunch of baggy shirts but only tight pants. I put on a light blue, long sleeve top and a pair of grey skinny jeans. I make sure the top goes over my... scars on my wrists. what? I've been getting low the past year, suicide seemed like an option, there is no end to tank.

I walk out and Natasha is there waiting still but CA is gone. " Let's go see my lab!" I say, I get a little smile from Natasha. I like Natasha. We walk down the hall and there is the lab! It's much more complex compared to my lab at home but I think I can work with it. I see Bruce and... tony? What's that jerk doing here?!?! We walk inside and tony turns to me.

" Ah Lil you haven't changed one bit." tony says. I glare at him " You two know each other?" Natasha asks "I wish I didn't" I mumble as Tony walks over to give me a hug. Okay. I'm making tony out to be a bad guy. He isn't all that bad he did help me but he also did almost get me arrested...

I was walking along the road not looking where I was going and I bumped into a man with a glowing chest, I was nocked to the ground. "I'm sorry" the man said helping me up. I look around "I'm tony. and you?" Tony says "Lily" I see no point in hiding, they don't know my name. "let me get you something to eat or drink." he says, I look around again. "Uh okay..." I say "Let's go then" he says taking my arm and dragging me into the coffee shop. He got a coffee and I got a hot chocolate "sweet tooth?" I nod. I love sweets now I'm out... We eat and chat and he becomes my best friend. We finish at the coffee shop and walk out side "where are you headed?" Tony asks "no where..." I say as I start walking. he grabs my arm, something the scientists did to me. Tank claws at me. My hair starts to turn pink and my eyes I can feel turning blue. " What's happening lil?" that's when I turn into tank. I black out. when I open my eyes tony is above me staring at me "are you okay? what happened? you turned int-" "a monster. I know. I'm sorry I'll leave you alone. wait did I hurt anyone?" I ask "no. I made sure you didn't." Tony says " what do yo-" before I finish he has a red and yellow metal suit on. "you sure do put up a good fight lily." I get up "her name is tank. you fought tank not me." I say as I walk away "bye tony" I yell as I keep walking in no particular direction. "bye lily and tank." he yells back.

I hug back. "we go way back, we're best friends right lil??" Tony asks as he puts an arm around me "yeah yeah. whatever." I say as I push his arm off me. "well then I will leave you three to the work." Natasha says and smiles at me. I smile back and she walks out. "hey hulky you'll love my friend over here." Tony says. I hit him in the stomach and give him a warning look.

"What do you need me to do Bruce?" I ask as he turns to me. I feel butterflies, wait why? no. no I can't like him tank could kill him! "uh, i think that Tony is onto something. Mind helping him out?" Bruce asks "she doesn't mind at all" Tony says pulling me into him. Bruce looks at me and gives me the "you sure?" face and I just nod.

"What are we doing tony?" I ask as he ushers me over to his table. "you like hulky" he whispers "WHAT?!?!" I scream making Bruce turn. I go red "I don't!" I whisper and tony smirks. "you do. I see it when you look at him lil. you and tanky both like him. " he says. it's true, tank hasn't complained when we were around him. Actually she liked him too. "lets just get back to work." I say as tony shows me how to use the computer.

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