Chapter 4

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I rest my head against the glass and shut my eyes. Enough drama. I just want to sleep. Whatever tank did I don't want to know. I feel myself slowly drift into a deep sleep.

Tanks p.o.v

She got low. again. I thank her for that, it let me get out again. As she lost consciousness I gained mine.

I look around and see the girl Natasha, can't hurt her, lily thinks of her as a friend. Tony, I'm thinking about hurting him but I won't, he is her best friend. the doctor, Bruce, no. Never in a million years, I see the man behind Bruce and I like him too much. That's all that's here. Damn, guess I have to explore. "Tank I'm not letting you out of this room." tony says. He already had his suite on, I'm no match he took me down last time. "lets see how that goes." I growl as I take a step forward and he pushes me back. "Tony lets not do this the hard way. lily would be crushed if you died and I am lily so you can't kill me. Just let me stretch my legs, that's all I want to do." I say and tony lets me walk onto the deck. ha! Like I'm not going to try kill everyone out here. "touch anyone your dead." Tony says "Don't forget that I am lily and lily is ME. " I say and he grunts. I walk around and see my target. I run and tony stood in front of me getting to my target. "where gonna have to put her in the cage" I hear a man say into Tonys earpiece. What? I have super hearing. " No way I'm going into another damn cage lily wouldn't like it! She would hate all of you!" I yell. Tony puts a hand on my shoulder. "Come on tank! Think about it, it will only be for a day!" he says. I grab him and throw him, really far, off the ship. I run back into the ship and the others follow. I run into rooms and finally I see Tony standing in a room with a big circular glass looking cage. "Lets do this the easy way." Tony tells me. I look around and see Natasha and Bruce blocking the entrance. Behind them is fury. "YOU WANT HER AND ME IN A CAGE?!?! AFTER ALL WE HAVE BEEN THROUGH YOU WANT US IN A DAMN CAGE?!?! THATS CRUEL AND WE HATE YOU! I HATE YOU! I KNEW SHE SHOULDN'T OF COME HERE!" I scream at fury. I turn to Tony and charge at him. he flies upwards and I bang into the back of the cage. I turn but it's too late. They have closed the doors and I have failed lily. I just want her to be happy, safe. " YOUR EVIL YOU HERE ME?!?! LOKI ISN'T HALF AS BAD AS YOU ARE!" I scream and bang the glass. I fall to my knees and decide to let lily back. Before I do I hear tony yell "I'M SORRY GUYS!" and I black out.

"I'm sorry lily." I mutter before I fall asleep too.


Lily's p.o.v

I wake up and see Bruce sitting near the door. "hi" I say and he smiles "I'm sorry they put you here... I uh know how it feels." Bruce says. So I was right, he is like me. "I've learnt to control it you know? Well at least make sure it didn't kill anyone that was on my side." Bruce tells me "Will you show me?" I ask. He nods "They are letting you out for breakfast. Wanna come eat with me?" Bruce asks. I smile and he smiles back causing me to look down. I hear a door being opened and I'm being led to the lab.

I keep my head down not making eye contact. But the minute I get into the lab Natasha is clinging onto me and asking me if I'm okay. "I-I'm as fine as I could be for someone that's being put in a cage." I say hugging her back. "I'm deciding to let you out. Bruce will help you control Tank and we will see how it goes from there. but the other option is the cage" Fury tells me "Thanks." I say as I sit down in front of the food. Fury leaves and I turn to Bruce. "Did we find loki? sometimes when I sleep after a transformation I'm out for days." I say. "we found him and he's locked up in a similar cage to the one you were put in. But yours is a little stronger." Tony tells me. I nod and eat the food and take a sip of the drink. Hot chocolate. "You son of a gun! you remembered??" I turn to tony. "it's hard not to remember that day." he says. I frown at him and turn back around. "You know why I remember that day! it was because we became friends that day! not that you became her!" Tony yells "SHE HAS A NAME! It's tank, and if you had of remembered what i said that day you would of know that tank didn't like being called a it or a her!" I scream seeing my hair turn pink. "lily! Take a deep breath!" I hear Bruce say as he puts a hand on my shoulder. One deep breath. Another. Another. My hair is turning back to normal. I turn and hug Bruce. "thank you" I whisper. "it's okay. anything I can do to help." Bruce says and I smile. I really like bruce. A lot.

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