Chapter 5

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Bruce's P.O.V

After lily changed into "tank" I knew she was going to be just like hulk. What startled me was that Tank could talk just like any of us. She was like a human. The only difference was that she had the ability to kill all of us in seconds.

When they put lily and tank in the cage I couldn't stand it. It had been about 2 days. We captured Loki and I was beginning to wonder when lily would wake up. I hated seeing her in the cage. I was getting mad.

"This Is not fair! You can't lock her up in there because of one thing that could of happen!" I scream "ill teach her how to control it!" I tell fury. "fine if you can help her control it she can be let out." fury says. I nod and fury leaves, me and tony are the only ones here now. "You like her." Tony says. "What?" I turn to look at him going red. "Go talk to her. She should be up soon." Tony tells me "okay" I say as I get up and walk to her cage...

Lily's P.O.V

I let go of him and sit down. I hear everyone leave and i turn to check if anyone is still here. I see bruce and thats it. "hey" i say "hi" he says back. I look down awkwardly and play with my hands. I then look up to see Bruce doing almost the same thing. "We should work on controlling tank otherwise I'll be put back in that... Cage" I say spitting out the word cage. Bruce nods and we talk about how to control tank for at least 2 hours.


After the first hour and 50 minutes of talking tony comes in. "Hey you two. Can I get you anything?" Tony says smirking at me and Bruce sitting across from each other our faces no more then 30 centimeters apart. I move back slightly "Go away tony." I say. "Okay. I just want to tell you Bruce and you lily that both of you like each other and that you two should pretty much just make out before Loki tries to kill lily here." Tony says and walks out. I look at Bruce "Is what he said true?" I ask hoping that he just nods or gives me some sign that it's a yes.

Before that can happen Natasha walks in. "we need you two to come to the meeting room now." Natasha says. I nod and get up and walk behind her. Uh you had to ruin the moment Natasha! Your my friend but come on!! We get to the room and I sit down by myself and Tony and Bruce sit down next to me like body guards. Fury comes out of nowhere with cap and another man behind him. "this is Thor and you already know Steve. Thor is loki's brother." fury says

They talk to Thor about all of this and it starts to get hectic. Everyone is yelling and I feel Bruce's hand slip into mine. "we need to be in the lab." Brice says and we walk to the lab and everyone seems to follow. "What's going on." I ask when we get in the lab "Thor started questioning safety because you were brought up. Don't worry." Bruce says listening to the conversation. I don't care. I start singing to calm myself down. I walk away from Bruce and sit on a chair looking outside. I sing radioactive as the fighting begins to die.

When I end everyone looks at me then starts fighting again. I walk over and grab Bruce's hand.

"Agent Romanoff would you escort Bruce and lily to their..." Fury starts but I cut him off

"Where? The cage because Tank won't agree." I say

"And my room you rented" Bruce says

"the cage was built..."

"in case you needed to kill me, but you can't! I know I tried!" me and Bruce yell at the same time. I stop but Bruce goes on.

"I got low. I didn't see an end, so I put a bullet in my mouth and the other guy spat it out! So I moved on. I focused on helping other people. I was good, until you dragged me back into this freak show and put everyone at risk!" Bruce yells holding onto my hand but getting angry slowly. He looks to me and sees that I've been through what he's been through.

He then looks at Natasha.

"You wanna know my secret, agent Romanoff? you wanna know how I stay calm?" Bruce yells again. fury and Natasha both have a hand on their guns.

"Doctor banner.. Put down the scepter." Steve says. Bruce looks at his free hand and looks shocked to see the scepter in his hand. I'm shocked. the computer beeps. "got it" tony says. Bruce puts the scepter down "sorry, kids. You don't get to see my little party trick after all." Bruce says and walks to the computer letting my hand go.

I walk to the window and see a ship landing on the craft. that's when chaos happens...

im not scared of the other guy (on hold)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن