Chapter 6

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I turn and see everyone panicking. the ship shakes and I fall to the ground. Bruce comes over to me and helps me up. "we've found what we needed to find we just gotta get to it." Bruce says holding me "I thought we were looking for Loki." I say and he looks away. "we had to look for a friend too, he was captured by Loki and we were looking for the two and a half days you were out." Bruce says. I nod and look down. I can feel myself falling down a level.

I look around and see my leg is trapped. I just kick the pipe off like it weighed nothing because of the super strength. I see Bruce trapped. "Bruce don't worry i can get you out of this." I say and Bruce looks at me and says "sorry" before he turns into a big green monster. I black out I have no idea why though...

Tank's P.O.V

I know I have to try to control hulk. Turn him back into Bruce... lily would like me for that. I take over after her attempt failed and he turned into... wow he's big... and green... I look at him "come on big guy, I don't want to hurt you and I hope you don't want to hurt me so you should calm down!" I yell and he looks at me and growls and hits me away. I scream and he turns back to me. I see a hint of Bruce in his face. "sorry pretty pink flower." He says and walks off. I stare at him as he walks off making a huge mess.

"h-he remembers us??" I stand up shocked and run to him. I already lost him but when I found him he was fighting with Thor. "DONT TOUCH HIM!" I scream and run at Thor crashing him to the ground. I turn to hulk "DONT HURT OUR ALLIES HULK!" I scream at him as a hammer passes by my face hitting hulk and sending him outside of the aircraft. "NO!" I scream and run after him jumping out of the plane thing.

I look up at the plane and see people struggling to keep the plane up. I look back to hulk and I close my eyes. If this is how I die... "IM SORRY LILY, BRUCE, HULK, TONY. I WISH I WAS A BETTER FREIND AND A NICER PERSON. DON'T LOSE HOPE TONY." I fall and finally hit my head knocking me out.


Lily's P.O.V

I wake up in a pile of rubble and try opening my eyes. nope, not happening today sir. I try again, this time I can open them but my vision is blurry. I sit up and my head hurts like hell. I blink a few times and I can see clearly. I look around and see a janitor man. "glad your awake. Your friend here is still out." he says pointing to someone on the floor in the rubble. I stand up and walk over to him, it's... crap Bruce? what happened he's... Oh god.

I look away and go red "is he your boyfriend?" he man asks. "no. I wish." I mumble the last part. Bruce wakes up. I turn hearing Bruce grunt. Then I look away again. "Are you an alien?" the man says "what?" Bruce says. "from outer space, an alien." the man says as he hands Bruce some clothes "no" Bruce says "well then son, you've got a condition." Bruce laughs at that as he puts on the clothes. "We should get going." I say as I look at Bruce. "Thanks for the clothes." Bruce says as we begin to walk off. I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pick it up

"Hey. Find a hotel and we will come get you later." tony says and hangs up. "wow that was fast." I mumble as I put my phone in my pocket. "We are finding a hotel." I say and Bruce just nods as me walk down the road.

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