Chapter 9

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Tanks P.O.V.

I get my anger out on punching different aliens. That's when I hear someone shoot something from behind me. Before I have enough time to turn around to see what it was I feel myself getting shot by what I guess is Loki's powers.

I feel myself falling down to the ground. "Help." Is all I manage to get out before my back slams into the concrete and my head cracks open.

Lily's P.O.V

Help? what does she mean by help? I mean yeah we got shot I felt that! And we fell, I really felt that but I thought tank was indestructible! I feel her let me come back out and I instantly black out.

Tony's P.O.V

I just got out of the portal and I a faint "help" It sounds like tank or lily. I decide I need my suite back on now. I need to help them! I know, weird thought for me right?

"JARVIS get the suite up and running now or get me a back up suite. hurry!" JARVIS does as I ask and I'm soon flying around trying to find lily. That's when I spot her. she's lying in a pool of blood. "NO!" I scream and fly down to her. I slowly lift her into my arms and run her to the rest of the group.

I lay her back down and check her head and back. Her head is cracked open causing the blood to stream out but other then that she looks okay. I check her head again and see it's closing up.

Bruce's P.O.V

I look down at lily. I can't believe I let her die! That's when I notice the gap in her head closing and hear a small groan. "Lily!" I yell holding her. "b-bruce?" she mumbles "yeah! it's me I thought you were dead!" I yell not letting her go but being careful as I hold her. "w-where's tank? I can't hear her..." I hear lily ask quietly. shit.

Lily's P.O.V

"TANK!? WHERE ARE YOU?" I scream in my head. She's gone. But I'm not going to accept it. "TANK! PLEASE I NEED YOU. I LOVE YOU! You were like a sister to me I can't let you go." I notice that I am speaking this part out loud and crying into Bruce's shoulder. She's really gone.



We all stand around Thor and Loki. I'll miss Thor, Loki well not so much. "good bye Thor" I say and give him a quick hug "good bye miss lily, look after doctor banner." he says with a small smile " I will don't you worry about that." I give him one last quick smile then walk over to my car I came in, I have all my things in since I am moving into stark towers with Bruce, Pepper and Tony. I lean on the car door and look around. I was the third last person to get here, Tony and Bruce haven't arrived yet.

Natasha walks over to me and leans on the car with me. "How are things with you and Bruce?" She asks, "okay, I mean there are still things we need to sort out. But other then that we're fine, why?" I ask curious to why she would ask such a question. I mean we look like we are fine, right? UGH relationships are so damn confusing! I hear a noise then turn to see Bruce and Tony get out of a fancy ass car. Nice wheels tony! "Sorry we're late, traffic." Tony half-heartedly explains. Bruce walks over to me and kisses my head. " Hey lil, ready to move?" Bruce asks putting his arm around my waist and pulling me closer to him "yup. My stuff is in my car." I say motioning to my car I was leaning on two seconds ago. "I'm going to say good bye to Thor." Bruce says as he walks over to Thor. I sigh instantly missing his arm around me. Tony comes up to me " How much do you like our Bruce?" he asks sitting on the hood of my car. I look at him for a second " Why is everyone acting so strange? Nat basically asked if me and Bruce were okay like we were some couple that's falling apart and now your asking if I like Bruce!?" I raise my voice standing right in front of Tony. Before I even realise I'm yelling it I am "I don't like Bruce. I LOVE him so I wish everyone would just worry about there own relationships instead worrying about mine!" I scream.

That's when I hear Bruce clear his throat behind me. "I'm glad you said that." 



Haha sorry guys I haven't updated in like 3 years (*months*) but I have a reason! I'm just really lazy and can't be bothered to tell you it. Don't worry, I have plans for this book! Okay can't wait to Wright more!!

Thanx cookiecutter

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