Chapter 10

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I turn to apologize to Bruce about me being so loud but when I turn he isn't standing. He's down on one knee. I could of collapsed right there and then, but I didn't. Bruce pulls a little black box out of his pocket and opens it revealing a diamond ring.

"Lily storm, I have loved you since I met you. I couldn't imagine you being out of my life now you've been in it." My heart melts at this point, I start to cry, why do I have to be an ugly crier? "I don't want to ever be without you. So lily, will you marry me?"

I stand there a bit stunned for a second then I come out with a small "yes" and kiss him before he can put the ring on my finger. I hear a lot of clapping and an aw from Nat. I pull back and let him put the ring on my finger. I give him a huge hug before I get a lot of "congrats" and a few "look after him for us".

After all the congratulations we see Loki and Thor off. "Ready to go?" Tony says getting off the hood of my car. "Yup!" I say and give Bruce a quick kiss "meet you guys there." I say getting into my car. I turn on my music and pumpin blood by nonono comes on.

Hey heart, on the road again

Moving on forward

Stick and stones won't break our bones

We're in the car on the highway

It's so magical feeling that no one's got a hold

You're a chalice to your own happiness you know

'Cause it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And the whole wide world is whistling!

Hey heart, on the run again

Drive is strong onwards

Stick and stones won't take its course

Got the part in a frenzy

It's the best, the world's feeling

Like nothing can go wrong

You're the decider of the world that you will get to know

'Cause it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And the whole wide world is whistling!

Hey heart, on the road again

On a highway, on a highway

Hey, heart, on the road again

On a highway, on a highway

'Cause it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And it's your heart, it's alive

It's pumping blood

And the whole wide world is whistling.

After the song finishes I figure out I'm at stark towers, its tall and like everyone says that little bit ugly. I pull up and I get out looking to see if the boys waited to help me with my things. No such luck, I have to do it all myself. "thanks guys! I'll just take 20 boxes of stuff up by myself!" I yell at them in my head.

I walk to the backseat door and open it and take out one rollie suitcase, a bag that goes over my shoulder and a bag that I need to carry. I close the door then walk to the door. "Hey, someone want to let me in?" I say through the intercom. The door opens and I walk into the elevator and go to the top floor like tony told me to.

The door slowly opens after a little ding. I walk through the door and see Tony sitting on the couch watching a race car show. "Hey tony, I'm gonna put my stuff down here while I get the last couple of things" I say while putting my bags down. "kay" he says as I get into the elevator.

while I'm in the elevator I stare at the ring on my finger. I never thought I would get married, it never even crossed my mind that I might get married. The elevator dings and I get out. I walk to my car and get the last of my things, another rollie bag and a bag I have to carry. I close the car door and lock the car then head to the elevator.

I walk into the apartment and Tony is gone. So are my bags. " TONY!!" I scream as I put my bags down and try to find him in other rooms. When I'm done searching the second room for either my bags or tony I hear a ding, "TONY!!" I scream and walk to the elevator. The person that stands there is not tony but Pepper Pots "Sorry!" I say quickly "I'm Lily Storm" I say extending my hand to her "I'm Pepper Pots. I heard Tony say that you were coming. What made you angry at him, or should I ask what didn't?" I laugh at that "He took my stuff. I'm moving in with Bruce. He asked me to marry him today, I never thought I would get married." I mumble the last bit hopping she didn't hear me." I think that he is on the floor below us. That's where Bruce is staying anyway" she says smiling. "Thank you!" I say smiling as I walk into the elevator.

I tap my foot impatiently as press the button to the floor below me. Whatever Tony did I will kill him. The elevator dings and the doors slowly open, when they open enough for me to get through I walk into the fantastic looking apartment "Wow." I mumble looking around at the place. The walls are a light purple color and the room has wooden floorboards. There is a big flat screen tv and 3 couches. One could seat 3-4 people and the others could fit 1 person but if you tried hard you could fit 2 people on it. This room splits off into a few other rooms. I walk to the first room and it's a bathroom, the next is a bedroom that looks like someone has slept in it recently so I guess it's Bruce's room. Next is a kitchen/dinning room which is the second last room, I check out the last room and it's a small lab and study.

I walk out of the room and hear the elevator ding. "hey lily!" Tony says smiling holding one of my bags in his hand. Next to him is Bruce giving me a sorry smile but holding my other bags. " I will kill you tony. But this place is pretty lovely." I say walking over to the boys. I give Bruce a big hug that he gladly returns. I let go and look at tony and he pulls me into a one handed hug. "I'll let you two love birds settle in now." Tony says letting me go and putting my bag next to the table inside the apartment. "bye!" I say as Bruce steps out and the elevator closes on tony. "So what do you want to do?" I ask "hmm..." Bruce says putting my bags down. "no clue." He says kissing my head "what about a movie?" I ask. "sure, how about... back to the future?" he asks "I would love to watch that." I say and sit on the couch.

Bruce puts on the movie and I sit on his lap with my feet on the long bit of the couch. Bruce has his feet on the other long bit of the couch and we watch the movie just like that.

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