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Another day of work had gone by, another day where the shop had to close early from little to no business. It was starting to really put the brunette in a bad mood. All he wanted was for people to walk into the shop and look at the portraits hanging on the walls. It was really upsetting him that the only customers that he would receive would be there to just get a sketchbook or some pencils, not look at the actual art that was all over the tiny shop.

Jimin re-adjusted the scarf that was hanging loosely around his neck as he began walking down the street. The rain was still falling down, much to his disliking, and he didn't have an umbrella with him so he had to bare with the weather as he walked to the grocery store. Earlier in the day, he noticed he was running out of food and of course, on all days that there had to be a shortage of food in his apartment, it had to be on one of the days where the rain couldn't stop falling.

He sighed as he walked past the still-open music store. He hadn't even noted what time it was since he was in such a sour mood due to the early closing of the shop and the rain that caused the day to be dull. Jimin had his head hung low as he walked, watching the passersby feet so he wouldn't run into anyone. That day had been so disappointing to him, he didn't quite know exactly why but he felt disappointing for some reason. It could've been from the rain or the lack of customers at the art shop, either way, he was just disappointed, simply disappointed.

The brunette shivered as the rain continued to fall down onto him. All he had was a light jacket and it being mid-autumn, the weather was already cold enough but with the extra rain, it made him even colder. He knew there was a high chance he was going to get sick, possibly catch pneumonia. He didn't mind though, he was going to continue on his journey because he was just that determined. All he had to do was pick up a few groceries then head home. The only problem with that would be keeping his groceries as dry as possible in the rainy weather.

Jimin noticed the rain seemed to stop and he immediately brought his gaze up. The rain was still falling down around him, but not on. That's when he noticed an umbrella was covering his head, held by a pale boy to his left. He looked over at the boy, quickly realizing it as the ravenette from earlier. He was holding out a black umbrella over the brunette's head, trying to keep him dry as the rain was wetting him and his clothes, not that he minded though.

"You're gonna get sick walking around while it's raining out," Yoongi sighed, shaking his head, which made the water on his hair fling everywhere. Jimin looked at the ravenette, eyes wide and mouth slightly agape. He hadn't a clue as to why the boy decided to lend him his umbrella while he was getting soaked with rain. In fact, Jimin was completely confused in general. "Can you stop looking at me like that? It's making me uncomfortable."

Jimin looked away, turning his gaze in front of him as a light rosy blush dusted his cheeks. He muttered a small apology, not sure if the boy could hear it or not. He was embarrassed at himself for looking at that complete stranger the way he did, in fact, he was embarrassed in general. Here he was, having some stranger hold his umbrella for him to keep him as dry as possible, while he was getting soaked on the other hand.

"Why are you even walking in the rain in the first place? I thought your apartment was right across the street of where you worked," Yoongi spoke up, noticing how embarrassed and awkward the boy looked. He wanted to start some sort of conversation with the brunette, since he found him somewhat interesting, and because he wanted to know a little bit more about the art shop's only worker.

"Well," Jimin took a quick glance at the ravenette next to him, whom was staring directly back at him. "I needed to get groceries for my apartment and since I have no car, I have to walk there and back in this rain, which I hate." The brunette sighed, not minding what he had just told the boy next to him. They both knew each other's names, so what's the harm in talking to that person?

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