1st Day of the Winter Adventure

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I stood behind the counter staring at the ceiling. "Excuse me miss." I snapped out, "I'm sorry. What can I get you?" The young lady gave me her order.

"Jongsu, what is wrong with you? Why are you not focusing?" My friend Jennie held in her laugh.

"I just, can't stop thinking about yesterday." I wiped the table zoning out again. "What happened yesterday?"

"I almost kissed a boy who I only met yesterday. Weird isn't it?" I looked at Jennie when her eyes were somewhere else.

I followed her gaze turning around. I shreiked almost falling down. I put a hand up to my chest, "what are you doing here jungkook?" I stood up properly.

He smiled widely showing me his bunny teeth, he took my hand dragging me out the cafe. "W-wait what are you doing?! I'm working right now! Jennie, take over my shift I don't know how long I will come back!" Jennie waved, "I will! Have fun!"

Jungkook continued to drag me. "Wait tell me what are you doing?" I yanked my hand away as we stopped. He smiled with his bunny teeth. "Today is the start of your winter adventure!"

I looked at him in disbelief, "I-I thought you were only kidding." He shook his head, "I never break a promise." He tapped my nose.

"What should we do?" He asked, "Shouldn't I be the one asking? I've never done this before." He nodded puckering his lips.

"Well it is cold, do you have your winter gears?" I nodded, "they're back at the café. I only have a coat." Jungkook stared at me with his big doe eyes.

"A coat? Su you need more warmer gears. LIKE THIS!" He showed me his mittens, scarf and a benie. I giggled, "did your mom buy you those mittens? They seem... childish. And don't call me Su!"

He examined his mittens, "my mom didn't buy them, I did." I snickered, "iron man?" He nodded again looking confident.

"Hey Iorn man is daebak! Don't judged me!" I raised both hands up in defeat. "Ok mr I'm a fan of Iron man. Aren't we going to to buy winter gears?"

"Yeah, get in the car we're going to the mall." I followed Jungkook's instructions, getting inside the car.

We drove off to the mall. He dragged me to every store that sold warm stuff for winter. "What kind of coat do you wear?" He asked looking through racks of coats.

I roamed around the store, "this one!" I showed him the coat I have. "Are you crazy? That is too thin! That's for fall, you need a new coat for the winter." He shook his head disapprovingly, looking for a new coat.

I put the coat back and stood behind him. "Why are you doing this? You don't need to put yourself into this, it's a waste." I crossed my arms, "first of all, you need to know what Christmas is like. Second, winter is cold and I want you to stay warm. Third, try on this coat." He gave me the coat as I tried it on.

"It's nice." I patted the coat smiling up to jungkook, "hmm yea but I don't like all the pockets, is it warm?" I nodded.

"Take that off, I don't like it." I took the coat off handing it to him. "It was a good coat jungkook." He hummed.

"It was good, but not good enough. It needs to be stylish and warm. You know what I mean?" I didn't understand but nodded my head anyways.

"Aha try this on." He handed me a black coat. I put the coat on and zipped it up. Jungkook, looked at me then to the coat.

"We're taking this." I took off the coat quickly and jungkook paid for it. "Now time for hats, scarves and mittens." I quickly followed jungkook into stores.

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