Shopping and Ice Skating

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"Why are you telling me to wear all these stuff? It's hot." I mumbled into the scarf as jungkook wrapped the scarf around my neck. "It's going to be cold later I don't want you to get sick." I coughed, "I am sick." He pinched my cheeks, "Stop faking." He smiled widely. "What are we doing today?" I hooked my arm around his, as we walked.

"Something fun, but first we need to shop for a dress. Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and we need a dress for the family dinner. Also, the Christmas party." I groaned, "then can I take the scarf off? I'm sweating in this." I whined, "Arasso arasso." I smiled, and jungkook help take off the scarf. We walked around the mall going to store to store.

The dresses were all so beautiful, but they never caught Jungkook's attention or liking, such a picky boy. We walked into another store full of variety of different dresses. My mouth gaped open as we walked around, "Close your mouth silly." Jungkook pushed my chin up to close my mouth, "Heh sorry." I mumbled.

Jungkook told me to sit down while he looked for a dress. I waited patiently fiddling with my fingers, Jungkook came back with a dress about mid thigh. I tilt my head to the left narrowing my eyes at the dress, "What you don't like it?" Jungkook looked at the dress then to me. I shook my head, "No I love it but, isn't the theme color red? The dress is.... white."

Jungkook stared at the dress and his face started turning red, "Oh heh, I guess I got carried away I forgot, the theme color was red." He rubbed the back of his head, "I'll look for a red dress then." I chuckled at his mistake as he left. I sat on the bench waiting again.

"How about this one?" He came back with another mid thigh dress, and red this time. "I don't like the one strap," I scrunched my face disapprovingly. Jungkook sighed, "Why are you so picky?" He mumbled softly, "What was that?" I said louder, "Nothing!" Jungkook yelled back finding another dress, I chuckled and sat patiently.

"I am crossing my fingers and begging in my head, that you will love this dress." Jungkook had his hands behind his back, begging for mercy that I will accept this dress. "Well you have to show it to me first," I crossed my legs, Jungkook prayed a little with his eyes tightly closed. He took the  dress out in front of him. I stared at the dress in awe, speechless. "You don't like it," Jungkook said quietly and flatly.

"No, I don't like it," Jungkook growled, putting his arms to his side, and was about to turn around to find another dress. I quickly jumped slipping my arms around his, "I love it," I whispered in his ear. His frown turned upwards into a smile, and hugged my waist from the side, pulling me in as I gasped, "Almost gave me a heartattack," he growled into my ears, his hot breath brushed against the back of my neck and my ear. I giggled lightly, "Try it on," Jungkook handed me the dress as I pulled away into the fitting room.

"Come out when you're done!" Jungkook quickly added before I closed the door locking it behind me with a big smile, as I hugged the red dress against my chest. After trying on the red dress and twirling around in it and taking a full body picture with my phone, I undressed myself into my clothes. Jungkook stood up from his seat once I opened the door, his excited face turned into a confused one. "Where's the dress?" He asked, I smiled a little, "You can't see it yet, you have to wait till dinner on Christmas Eve." I stood in front of him holding the dress that is on the hanger.

His face was straight and only nodded, "Can't wait," he leaned in to whisper so close to my ear, I felt his lips against my earlobe. My body stiffen up, as he took the dress from my hands, "I'll just take this and pay for it," Jungkook smiled and headed to the cash register, with the dress he picked out leaving me in the middle of the store. I blinked a couple of times following him to the cash register.


"So where are we going?" I asked as Jungkook drove us around and day was turning into night. "You have been driving around all day, after shopping at the mall," I stated as I turned to him squinting my eyes at him. "It's a surprise," was all Jungkook said as he signaled to turn right. I pouted and sat back without saying anything. As we drove around, I stared out the window as the sun hid behind the tall buildings, and the dark creeping on the orange salmon sky, one by one the light post lit up.

The Red Dress 》JJKTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon