Holiday Spirit

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Dewott woke up and rubbed her eyes sleepily. "Morning Dewott!" Airi chirped. Dewott glared at her, not a morning person at all. "I hate getting up this early. Why did we have to get up this early?" Dewott asked. "Because today we were gonna play in the snow with our classmates but first we have to meet up in the gym." Violet said, walking out of the bathroom. A towel was wrapped around her head and she was already dressed.

Dewott got up and stretched then stumbled into the bathroom. After getting dressed she brushed her hair and started braiding it. "Why don't you do a different hair style for once?" Airi asked. Dewott simply shook her head and tied off the braid then started the other one.

The three girls grabbed their jackets, gloves, scarves (except Airi) and hats (except Violet). They headed to the gym and walked in. "You are late! We were told to be here at 8 o'clock!" Ishimaru scolded. Dewott smiled. "Of course, we're sorry Ishimaru. We were trying to hurry." Dewott said. "Ok then, I'll forgive you." Ishimaru said.

"Dewott-chan!" Chihiro yelled, running over and hugging Dewott. Dewott laughed a little and hugged him back. "Aw, she's so cute!" Airi said. Dewott let go and turned to her, frowning slightly. "Um, Chihiro's a boy..." Dewott said. "Oh! Sorry!" Airi said, covering her mouth.

"I-it's ok. I did pretend to be one for a while." Chihiro said. "Hey, Violet!" Fuyuhiko yelled. Violet blushed and excused herself to go over to him. Airi and Dewott giggled as she struggled to act cool around Fuyuhiko.

"Hey Dewott!" Leon said, walking up to her. "Did you manage to write a song for me?" He asked. Dewott turned to him and put her hands on her hips. "I told you, I'm a story writer not a song writer!" Dewott scolded. Leon held up his hands. "Alright alright! I'll ask Ibuki then!" Leon said, walking away.

*timeskip to outside*

Nagito laughed as he threw a snowball, only to get knocked over into a snowbank by one Akane Owari threw. Yasuhiro threw one only to realize it was his crystal ball. Dewott laughed and went to retrieve the pieces for him.

"Dewott look out!" Violet yelled. Dewott turned just in time to feel something cold, hard, and sharp hit her forehead. She fell back into the snow, confused. Suddenly the pain struck and she screamed. Violet rushed to her side while Airi went to grab Mikan. Violet froze and the blood drained from her face. Peko came over just in time to catch her before she fainted.

"Where is the fucker?!" Mondo yelled, looking around for the person who threw ice at Dewott. "Oh, Dewott!" Rosette exclaimed, running over with Wyvern. Airi returned with Mikan and she quickly took care of her. Dewott sat up and rubbed her head. She looked up and spotted someone she didn't recognize.

He had messy brown hair like Naegi's but shorter, olive green eyes, a white button up shirt with a green tie, black pants and sneakers. He wore a brown jacket with a green scarf for winter.

"Who... are you?" Dewott asked the boy. "Oh, I'm Hajime Hinata. I'm part of the reserve course." The boy said. "And my boyfriend." Wyvern said with a small blush. "Oh, hi..." Dewott stopped, seeing Mondo about to punch Chris. Dewott jumped up and ran over to stop him.

"Mondo, stop right now!" Dewott yelled, letting her leader instincts kick in. Mondo froze and looked over at her, surprised. She grabbed Mondo's sleeve and pulled him away. "Mondo, I appreciate you sticking up for me, but if you do anything to him I'll pay for it later. So please, don't." Dewott said, stopping and looking up at him. Mondo nodded. "Alrigh', but tell me if this happens again, ya hear?" Mondo asked.

Dewott nodded and smiled. "Thanks Mondo." Dewott smiled, standing on her tippy toes and kissing his cheek. Mondo blushed and pushed her off. Dewott giggled and picked up some snow then shoved it in his face before running away.

Mondo wiped the snow off his face and smirked, making a snowball and throwing it. Dewott laughed as he missed and the snowball hit Ishimaru's head. Ishimaru turned around and Mondo backed up slightly.

Ishimaru stormed up to him and crossed his arms. To everyone's surprise, Mondo just laughed at him. Ishimaru uncrossed his arms and smiled at Mondo. Dewott was a little shocked, but then her attention was drawn to a particular brown haired boy.

Dewott watched Naegi as he smiled at his friends. He turned to Dewott and smiled, waving. Dewott smiled back and Naegi walked over. "Hey, are you alright?" Naegi asked. "Yeah, I'm fine Naegi-Senpai." "What?!" "NOTHING! Heh, it's nothing!" Dewott yelled, blushing furiously.

"Um, ok." Naegi said, confused. They watched as their friends started playing again. Some building snowmen, some having a snowball fight, and some standing by just watching.

Suddenly, Dewott saw Rosette walking up to Togami. Rosette was blushing and trying to talk to him. Togami just stared at her, a small blush forming. Or it could be from the cold. Dewott smiled a bit, but was a little shocked. Togami?! Seriously?! I guess pricks are her style. Dewott thought.

Dewott glanced over at Naegi. His cheeks and nose were red from the cold and his breath came out in short puffs. Dewott blushed, his face was simply adorable. Without thinking, she kissed his cheek. Naegi blushed and looked over at her, shocked.

Dewott looked away, embarrassed for ruining her friendship but for also kissing her senpai. Naegi grabbed her shoulders and turned her to face him. Blushing, he leaned forward and gently pressed his lips to hers. Dewott closed her eyes and kissed back, but it didn't last long. A huge pile of snow dropped on top of them and they broke apart, still holding each other.

Dewott glared at her brother up in the tree above them. He smirked and jumped down, walking away. Dewott turned her attention to Naegi again. He was blushing but a smile was on his face.

Naegi leaned in and kissed her again. This time it was longer and without interruptions. They broke apart and Dewott glanced over at her friends. Airi was squealing and Violet was smiling. Dewott smiled back at her friends then hugged Naegi.

I guess... Even I can have a happy ending after all... Not even Chris can ruin it... Dewott thought with a small smile.


Dg22: YES MY LITTLE NAEGI!!!!! Ahem, sorry! ^.^ Any who, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye for now mon amies!

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