The Truth

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Dewott stood at her place on the trial grounds. Naegi, Kirigiri, Togami, Yasuhiro, Fukawa, and Asahina were trying to figure out the mastermind. She thought back to the events leading up to this moment.

It started when Sayaka Maizono was found dead in Naegi's bathroom. She had a broken wrist and a knife in her stomach. Behind her on the wall was 11037 written in her blood. Naegi seemed to be the most upset, but was the number one suspect. In the gym Junko Enoshima confronted Monokuma about how stupid this was, and she had spears sticking out of her body.

At the class trial it was found that Leon Kuwata killed her accidentally, trying to protect himself from her. He was executed then Monokuma gave them their second motive. He gave them slips of paper with their darkest or most embarrassing secret. Dewott froze when she read hers.

Dewott's kindness is just a mask, her real emotions are hidden underneath. She read. She looked up to see everyone else startled or scared. Then, in the girls locker room, they found Chihiro hanging, covered in blood and the words "bloodbath fever" on the wall.

At the trial they learned Chihiro was actually a boy, and that Mondo Oowada killed him. Kiyotaka Ishimaru was heartbroken, and sobbed during his execution. Then, the next motive, money. Ishimaru had turned into Ishida after Chihiro's computer program, Alter Ego, encouraged him. Soon after, Ishimaru was found dead with a hammer near his head. Then, Hifumi Yamada was found dead.

At the trial they found Celestia Ludenburg guilty, and learned her real name was Taeko Yasuhiro. She was executed then came the new floor and more chances of death. Next was Sakura Oogami. She had blood on her head and in her mouth, and she was sitting on a couch.

This time they found out it was actually suicide, but Monokuma executed Alter Ego in her place. Then the final floor, where they found a dead body in the garden. Kirigiri assumed it was Mukuro Ikusaba. She was lying on the ground with a knife in her stomach and was wearing a mask.

The trial came, and all evidence lead to Naegi, even though he insisted it wasn't him. Monokuma started the execution, but Alter Ego saved him. They realized it wasn't him after all. Then, they made an agreement with Monokuma. If they could find out who the mastermind behind all this was, they could get out alive.

Now, here they were, trying to find out who the mastermind was so they can escape. "I think it must be Dewott." Togami said. "W-wha?!" Dewott stared at him. "Y-yeah, it must be Dewott!" Fukawa agreed. Of course she'd agree with him... Dewott thought. "She's always so nice and seems to know exactly who the murderer is before the rest of us. It can't be a coincidence." Togami pushed up his glasses.

"But it wasn't me!" Dewott retorted. "Then prove your not the mastermind." Togami said. "Ooh, this is getting interesting! Upupu!" Monokuma sat up, paying attention to this.

Dewott scowled. "Fine, I'll prove it! Remember our second motive? Well my note," she pulled out the crumpled piece of paper. "Says my darkest secret!" She held out her arm, revealing the scars. "My kindness is a mask. I'm hiding all the fear, pain, and betrayal that I've experienced over the years." She glared at Togami.

"If I was the mastermind, I'd be dead. Part of being the Ultimate Leader comes with the fact that it's impossible to kill anyone that isn't the enemy. None of you were ever my enemy. If I tried, I'd end up screwing up and getting killed myself." Dewott crossed her arms.

"Now we can safely assume it's not her." Kirigiri said, emotionless as always. They continued their discussion and learned the mastermind was Junko Enoshima. The Junko they thought they knew was actually Mukuro Ikusaba, and the body that almost got Naegi killed was Mukuro's dead body.

Junko told them the truth and showed them the outside world. Now, everyone was shocked, the despair taking over. Dewott stared at the ground, a shadow covering her eyes. She heard Naegi starting to convince the others to snap out of it, and Syo only went along because Togami changed his mind.

"Dewott, don't listen to her. We are still here and I'm sure there are others too! You're a leader, so lead us in the right direction! We can't survive without you!" Naegi said. Dewott looked up at him, seeing his determined look and the hope radiating off him. She smiled, her despair state shattering.

"You're right! I'm the Ultimate Leader, and it's my job to be there for you! My job to protect you!" Dewott walked over to Naegi, joining the others. Together, they voted for despair, causing Junko to lose the trial. She went crazy, and executed herself. Everyone was surprised, but they headed to the front door to leave.

"As soon as we get out, I'm going straight to a donut shop!" Asahina decided. "Eh? But what if there isn't any donut shops?" Yasuhiro asked. "Then I'll make some! I'll need wheat to make flour..." Asahina started naming what she needed. Dewott giggled and stared at the door as Naegi pushed the button.

A red light flashed and the door slowly opened. They stepped out to see ruins all around them. Dewott looked around, horrified at what Junko caused. They walked around for quite some time before running into a boy and a girl. The boy had shaggy black hair, blue eyes, a black t-shirt with a blue jacket, blue jeans, and red sneakers. The girl had long brown hair, green eyes, a turquoise sweater, blue jeans, and white sneakers.

"Who are you two?" Kirigiri asked. "I'm Trexman, and she's Momo. Who are you?" The boy said. "I'm Makoto Naegi. That's Kyoko Kirigiri, Byakuya Togami, Aoi Asahina, Yasuhiro Hagakure, Toko Fukawa, and Dewottgirl." Naegi said. "Are you some of the 17 students that hid in Hope's Peak Academy?" Trexman asked. "Yes, why do you ask." Kirigiri said. "We're part of the Future Foundation. Come with us. By the way, I'm the Ultimate Strategist, and Momo's the Ultimate Reader." Trexman said. "Now come, we want to help you."


Dg22: That was not as long as I thought it would be! Well, there's two new characters, MomoTheAlmostOtaku and Trexman18. They'll make another appearance after sdr2's shared dream and they wake up. Bye for now mon amies!

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