Not Real

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Dewott stared at the blank screen as voices sounded. She recognised Mahiru and Nagito. Nagito seemed to be having a battle with someone. While that was happening she noticed Teruteru with a portable stove heading towards the closet. He disappeared down a door in the floor wearing a tablecloth.

Not long after, the lights went back on and everyone looked relieved, except for Teruteru, Twogami, Peko, Fuyuhiko, and Chiaki. They weren't even in the room. Dewott watched as everyone looked around, before Hajime walked to the back of the room and threw up the tablecloth on one of the tables.

Dewott's eyes widened and she fell backwards, her heart picking up pace. "K-K-Kirigiri!" She yelled. Kirigiri looked up and stared at her. "Dewott, why are you on the floor?" She asked. Dewott pointed at the screen and Kirigiri walked over. Underneath the table was the Ultimate Imposter, lying face down and their blood splattered on the floor and tablecloth.

Kirigiri looked shocked before turning to Dewott. "Make sure this doesn't happen again. I'll give you control over Usami." She said before returning to her work. Dewott nodded and stood, taking over Usami and making her try to help.

Dewott tried and tried, but Monokuma always won in the end. Teruteru had killed Twogami, meaning to kill Nagito who turned into a psycho. Next, Mahiru was found dead in the beach house with a mask and baseball bat near her. Peko was guilty, although she at first tried pretending to be Sparkling Justice, but Sonia proved her wrong.

Then, Peko tried to explain Fuyuhiko was the real killer, because he planned everything but couldn't kill her in the end. After confessing that Fuyuhiko was Peko's Young Master, she was executed. Fuyuhiko tried to save her, but she accidentally cut his eye. Peko gave her life to protect him and he was barely hanging on when they ran to him. Dewott, as Usami, convinced Monokuma to bring him to the hospital.

Next they found Ibuki, hanging, and Hiyoko tied up to a pillar in the Titty Typhoon with a slit throat. They learned Mikan had caught the despair disease from Nagito, Ibuki, and Akane. She killed them for the sake of her "beloved" which, Dewott guessed, was Junko.

After her was Nekomaru, or Mecha-maru, because he was almost killed by Monokuma saving Akane, so once again Dewott had to convince him to bring another student who did nothing wrong to the hospital. Gundham had killed him because of the motive. They were stuck in a "fun house" without food and the only way to get food was by killing. Gundham knew the price, he sacrificed himself so the others could live on.

Then, they found Nagito dead with a spear through his stomach, his legs and one arm tied up and cut, and a knife through his hand. It was a suicide, but it was caused by a poison he put in one of the fire grenades Chiaki threw. She was executed along with Usami, so now all Dewott could do was watch.

Now, an argument was brewing between Airi and Violet. They were yelling about something, Dewott wasn't quite sure what. She watched as the two of them yelled and made gestures at one another.

*Violet's POV*

(Dg22: Not third this time, first person) I yelled at Airi, my anger rising even more. I wanted to stab her, or use my magic, but I would get executed if I killed her, so I was stuck with screaming until my throat hurt. "You wouldn't understand because you haven't lost anyone you loved!" Airi yelled, tears brimming in her pink eyes. I scoffed, curling my hands into fists.

"Yes I have! Dewott! Monokuma said Dewott was dead! She was my best friend! I loved her, she was the sweetest person I met!" I yelled back, my heart aching as I longed to see my best friend again. Airi glared daggers at me, her face red with anger. "Nagito freaking Komaeda, my boyfriend, is dead! You don't understand!" Airi shrieked, gripping her pigtails. "Fine, whatever!" I yelled, turning around and heading out of the theater.

I heard footsteps following me but I didn't bother turning around, knowing it was Airi. I felt a sharp pain in my back and I yelled, looking back. Airi was holding a knife in my back, a shadow covering her eyes. She pulled it out and stabbed me again and again.

I screamed in pain until my throat was raw and the pain was nothing but numbness. My vision blurred and became unfocused as my body crashed into the ground but I didn't feel it. I saw my blood pool around me and Airi standing over me with blood splattered on her clothes, a shadow covering her eyes still.

Airi dropped the knife and walked away as my vision began to darken. It got darker and darker, until everything was black. I tried grasping onto my life, but I couldn't as I slipped away, my last thoughts being of Dewott and Fuyuhiko, my crush.

*Dewott's third POV*

Dewott watched as Airi stabbed- no, murdered Violet. She froze in place before she heard a loud scream. She backed away from the noise and tripped over her own feet, staring in shock. Naegi ran over and wrapped his arms around her shaking form and she realized the scream came from her. Dewott felt something wet on her face and she realized she was crying while saying something.

"It's ok it's not real!" Naegi said softly. That's when she realized she was saying Violet was dead over and over. Naegi helped her up and brought her somewhere, her vision was blurred so she couldn't see where. He directed her hands onto something smooth and cold. She looked down to see Violet in a capsule, sleeping in a coma.

Dewott sank to her knees and clawed at Naegi's jacket, sobbing. He knelt down and pulled her into another hug, trying to comfort her cries. She nodded as she let his warmth surround her, letting it sink in. She's still alive... Everything is ok...


Dg22: That was fun to write. Sorry for the up close and personal description of her death. I was bored and running out of things to say so... Yeah. Anyway, bye for now mon amies!

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