Bad Luck

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*Dewott's third POV*

Dewott stood and faced her brother. "... Y-you..." "It's true, and you know it." Chris interrupted. A sudden memory took over her mind.

Dewott sat on her bed, writing in her notebook. Growing bored, she sighed and put it down. Sudden screams filled her ears and she jumped. "Mommy! Daddy!" Dewott yelled, running out of her room. She screamed as she saw blood splattered on the walls and floor. In the middle of the room was her parents, dead.

Dewott backed away, tears falling down her face. She turned and ran to her room only to see it on fire. She ran in and stuffed as many things as she could into her bookbag, including the teddy bear. She ran back out, coughing. Dewott looked up and froze.

A boy who looked about 15 was there, about to head downstairs. He was short with short blonde hair, golden eyes, a permanent blush on his cheeks, and a pinstriped suit. Next to him was a girl about the same age. She was taller than him. She had silver hair in braids, red eyes, a black sailors uniform, and a navy blue sword bag. She was holding a sword with blood splattered on it, while the boy had a gun.

"Help me... please..." Dewott pleaded, her voice raspy from the smoke. The boy looked at her with sympathy in his eyes before turning and running down the stairs, the girl following. Sobbing, Dewott ran into the bathroom and threw her bag down. She curled up into a ball in the bathtub, sobbing uncontrollably.

Soon, footsteps walked up to her. Dewott didn't look up. She didn't need to. "Remember this next time you disobey me." She heard Chris say through her sobs.


Dewott looked over at Fuyuhiko and Peko, tears spilling out of her eyes. "Why..." Dewott managed to say before a sob erupted from her throat. Violet stood, anger and fear written on her face. "Is it true?! You killed her parents and left her there to die?!" Violet yelled. Dewott knew Violet saw her memory. Her name wasn't MagicViolet for nothing.

"..." Fuyuhiko looked down, guilt written on his face. "Fucking answer me!" Violet yelled. "... Yes..." Fuyuhiko whispered. "Why?! Did you even recognize her?! Were you hoping she didn't remember you?! No one hurts my friends, you understand me bastard?!" Violet yelled, her Boston accent now extremely noticeable.

"I did... I recognized her right away... But believe me when I say I didn't want to do it!" Fuyuhiko said, standing up to face her. Violet walked away. "Wait! Violet! Please!" Fuyuhiko pleaded with her. "Did you think you could get away with hurting my friend?!" Violet yelled, turning around with her hands on her hips.

"Please, Violet! I know it was wrong, but please forgive me!" Fuyuhiko cried. Violet glared at him, but the next thing she said broke Dewott's heart. "Maybe it's best if we stay strangers." Violet said, her eyes filling with tears. You could practically hear Fuyuhiko's heart break to pieces at that. Violet turned on her heels and bolted out of the cafeteria. Fuyuhiko looked back at Dewott, tears streaming down his face.

"... Fuyuhiko, I forgive you... I've learned you hate hurting people like that..." Dewott was at a loss for words. She didn't forgive him. Not yet. But Fuyuhiko looked like a helpless animal that had just been abandoned. Without a word, Fuyuhiko ran out of the cafeteria. "Young Master!" Peko called, starting to follow. Dewott stopped her, shaking her head.

*Violet's third POV*

Violet ran into the gym and on stage, tears streaming down her face. Her heart broke apart at the words she so blindly said. She meant it though. Fuyuhiko hurt her friend, and she just couldn't except it. Without thinking, she sat down and started to sing.

"I hate you. I love you. I hate that, I love you. Don't want to but I can't put nobody else above you. I hate you. I love you. I hate that, I want you. You want her. You need her. And I'll never be her."

Fuyuhiko watched her from the doorway. Tears streamed down his cheeks as he turned away from her, heartbroken. With a sob, he ran away. Violet jumped up as she stared at his retreating form. Hot tears spilled down her cheeks as she sank to the ground, covering her mouth to hold back her cries.

Through her blurred vision, she saw Dewott, Airi, Naegi and Nagito walk in. Dewott let go of Naegi's hand and walked over to the stage. She jumped on and put a hand on Violet's shoulder. Without thinking, Violet threw her arms around Dewott and cried onto her shoulder. Dewott hugged her, trying to calm down her cries.

"V-violet, please, d-don't cry..." Dewott's voice cracked. Violet looked up to see tears sliding down her cheeks. Pain, fear, and betrayal lurked behind her brown eyes. Violet clung to her tighter and tried to calm down. Everything will be fine... I just need to forget him. He hurt Dewott. If I can't trust him, then who can I trust? Violet thought.

Dewott suddenly pulled away and glanced over at the others, her eyes wide. Violet looked over to see Chris holding his pocket knife up to Naegi's neck. Chris was 5 inches taller than him. "You know... I promised myself that I'd only hurt you Dewott... but... I can't let you be happy." Chris said with a smirk. "P-please, let him go..." Dewott pleaded. "You traitor! You promised!" Violet yelled.

"That's the beauty in my talent sweetheart." Chris said. Violet froze, remembering that Fuyuhiko used to call her that. She shook her head and glared at Chris, only to find he had knocked out the others. Dewott ran over to Naegi and dropped to his side, cradling his head in her arms.

Chris tipped her head back and poured some liquid in her mouth, then she collapsed. Her head rested on Naegi's chest and she was half on top of him. Chris walked over and swung his fists, aiming for Violet. Violet heard a scream, a scream coming from her, before she blacked out.


Dg22: I actually teared up a little writing this, even though it was Violet's idea. Well, bye for now mon amies!

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