Remainments of Despair

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Dewott looked out the window as the boat rocked. She sighed and glanced over at the others. Naegi and Kirigiri were in the middle of a conversation while Togami chose to ignore everyone. They had gotten back their memories thanks to the Future Foundation's technology. Dewott didn't understand why Junko did all of this, or why some of their classmates helped.

(Dg22: They got memories of the school, but the whole putting them to sleep thing isn't there. It went up to the point where they were making the school a safe place to live. I'll explain more at the end.) She looked out the window to see Jabberwock Island, where they set up the Neo World Program. They were going to try and bring hope to the remainments of despair.

The boat stopped at the island and the four of them got off. They started to get the despair ridden Ultimates. Dewott was marking off everyone as they got into their capsules.

"Ultimate Lucky Student Nagito Komaeda, Ultimate Gymnast Akane Owari, Ultimate Imposter, Ultimate Swordswoman Peko Pekoyama, Ultimate Voice Actress Airi... Wait, Airi?!" Dewott stared at her friend. Airi stuck her tongue out and laughed at her. Dewott stopped and watched her get into the capsule, missing the fact that the Ultimate Mechanic Kazuichi Souda and the Ultimate Nurse Mikan Tsumiki walked by.

"Pay attention, peasant." Togami snapped. Dewott quickly looked down and marked those two. She continued until everyone but one was marked off. "Um, Kirigiri, where's the Ultimate Actress MagicViolet?" Dewott asked. Kirigiri stopped and stared at her, her expression blank like always. "She wouldn't come out. We were hoping you could get her out for us." Kirigiri said.

Dewott nodded and headed outside where Naegi and Violet were. "Oh good, you're here. She refuses to come inside, saying she's betraying her lady. I think you're talent doesn't work on her." Naegi said nervously.

Dewott walked over to Violet. She was injured and her purple eyes were red. "Violet, Junko-" "Call her by her proper name!" Violet interrupted. "Ok, lady Junko said to us she wants you guys in those capsules to bring you more despair." Dewott said. Violet nodded and walked inside.

"How did you do that?" Naegi asked. Dewott sighed. "She knows I'd never lie to her..." "Oh..." Naegi gave her a look of concern. They headed back inside and started up the Neo World Program. Kirigiri stepped up and made sure Usami and Chiaki were in before the others started to arrive in the classroom.

*Violet's third POV*

Violet walked into a classroom and looked around. There were a bunch of odd looking students: an albino boy, a girl with wild multicolored hair, a girl with messy purple hair, a boy with two different colored eyes, and even a boy with pink hair and shark-like teeth.

Violet walked to the back of the room, away from everyone. Another boy walked into the room. He had short messy brown hair, olive green eyes, tan skin, a white button up with a green tie, black pants and white sneakers.

Everyone started talking, confused. Suddenly, a high pitched voice interrupted their conversations. Everyone looked to see a white rabbit jump up onto the teachers desk.

"Hello everyone! I'm Magical Girl Usami! Or just Usami! I'm your adowable teacher!" It said. Violet zoned out and looked around. Suddenly the walls fell down and they found themselves on a beach. Usami droned on even more before offering for the students to go swimming.

A lot of them agreed to it and got changed. Violet stayed out of the water, watching the others. The tan boy from before was panicking before finally deciding to join the others in the water. Just as he was about to go in the water the sky became cloudy and a black and white bear appeared.

*Dewott's third POV*

Dewott stared wide eyed at the screen. "How did he get in there?! Junko is dead!" Naegi said, panicked. Kirigiri walked over, shocked. "I'll try to see if I can get us in. For now, you pay attention to the students." She ordered them. They nodded and walked over to the monitors. Everyone seemed to be getting along fine. They even nominated Byakuya to lead them.

"I'm surprised they choose the Imposter to lead them." Dewott said. "Well, they do think he's Togami..." Naegi pointed out. "Hm, yeah... I'm calling him Twogami!" Dewott giggled. Naegi laughed. "Don't let Togami hear that!" Dewott joined in the laughter.

"I'm glad to see you two are relaxed enough to start joking around and laughing, but you have to focus on them." Kirigiri said. "R-right! Sorry Kirigiri." Naegi said sheepishly. Dewott focused on the screen. She watched as Nagito went into the old building that Usami- now a half pink half white rabbit that Monokuma called Monomi- told them not to go in.

He started cleaning up the place and not long after Teruteru came in and went straight to the kitchen to start cooking. Dewott watched as Nagito started tampering with the air conditioning. Then he went into the storage closet and plugged in three irons. He walked back into the big room and walked over to the table with a lamp on it. He crouched down and taped something underneath the top.

Teruteru met Nagito in the hallway and the two were talking about something before Nagito left him scared. Soon, Twogami came in and so did the others. He gave them a pat down before letting them go in. He confiscated a few items, including a wrench Kazuichi found. Hajime was the last to show up, then they all agreed to have Peko protect the box of items in the office.

The party was lively as everyone talked, laughed, enjoyed Teruteru's cooking and just relaxed. Mahiru got pictures of everyone during the party. Everyone was enjoying themselves, and then the beeping happened. The air conditioning beeped before activating, causing the power to go out and plunging everyone into darkness.


Dg22: Ok, so basically they lived normal school lives until Junko started the tragedy in the dream. That's what memories they got in the dream. Ok, that was less complicated than I thought... Anyways, bye for now mon amies!

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