The Game

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*Dewott's third POV*

Dewott stepped onto the grounds to Hope's Peak Academy with Violet and Airi. A strange feeling took over as she froze, her eyes widening. Suddenly everything went black. Dewott woke up in a classroom with no memory of how she got there. She got up and rubbed her eyes then looked around. There were iron plates over the windows and a note on the teachers desk. Dewott picked up the note and read it.

She sighed in annoyance, for the note only said to go to the gym. She walked over to the windows and tried to pry it open, but ended up hurting her hands. Dewott decided to go to the gym, leaving the classroom and walking down the halls.

She found all the windows were covered with iron plates. Dewott finally found the gym and pushed the door open. There were quite a few students there already. They all looked over at her and she shifted uncomfortably. They all returned to looking around and muttering to themselves. Dewott walked in and looked around, hoping to find a friendly face.

Dewott finally spotted someone hopefully nice. She had spiky light brown hair, green eyes, a green shirt over a white button up shirt and a brown skirt, knee high black socks, and white shoes. Dewott approached her with a nervous smile. "Um, hello." Dewott said. The girl jumped and turned to her. "O-oh, hi..." She said.

"Um, my name's Dewottgirl. I'm the Ultimate Writer/Leader." Dewott said. "My name's Chihiro Fujisaki. I'm the Ultimate Programmer. Nice to meet you Dewottgirl!" Chihiro smiled. Suddenly the doors opened and everyone looked over. A boy stepped in and looked around. He had spiky brown hair with a piece sticking up, green eyes, a black blazer over a green hoodie with a weird red pattern on the hood, black pants, and red and white sneakers.

"You are late! We were warned to be here at 8 o'clock!" A boy exclaimed. He had dark purple spiky hair, red eyes with large eyebrows, a white uniform, and black knee high boots. "U-um..." The brown haired boy studdered. Before anyone could say anything else laughter rang through the room.

"Upupupupu! Welcome students!" A voice said. Everyone looked around for the source of the voice. Dewott looked back at the stage to see a black and white bear jump up from behind the stand. Dewott screamed and fell down as its red eye stared right at her. She looked down at a scar on her arm, barely visible, in the same shape as its eye.

The others looked at the bear and murmurs of surprise spread through the students. "Welcome everyone! I'm your headmaster, Monokuma!" It said. More murmurs spread among the students. "More importantly, you guys will participate in a game!" Monokuma said. "What kind of game?" A lavender haired girl said. "Why, a killing game of course! If you look, you'll find all you're cellphones are gone!" Monokuma said. At that, all the students immediately looked for their phones, only to find a weird tablet like thing.

"What's this thing?" A boy with wild brown hair said. "That's you're student handbook. It has all the rules, a map of each floor, and information of the person it belongs to! You have to follow the rules, or you'll be punished for it!" Monokuma's claws came out. "And you're not allowed to harm me! You also have to listen to what I say!" Monokuma added.

"Yes sir!" The red eyed boy said, bowing down. "D-don't listen to that thing!" A purple haired girl exclaimed. "Hey, what is this killing game anyways?" A pink haired girl asked. "Well, as your headmaster, I decided whether you're worthy enough to graduate! But to graduate, you have to kill someone! Upupupupu!" Monokuma laughed.

Dewott's eyes widened as memories flooded her mind. She clutched her head and tried to relaxed. It's ok. Everything is ok. You'll be fine. This is just a dream. You'll wake up soon. He can't get to you here. Dewott thought, trying to stay calm. When she finally calmed down she realized Chihiro was hugging her and she was curled up in a ball on the floor. Her cheeks were stained with tears.

"Are you ok now?" Chihiro asked. Dewott looked at her and wrapped her arms around the smaller girl. "Chihiro... What happened?" Dewott asked. "You don't remember?" Chihiro asked. Dewott shook her head. "W-well... After Monokuma explained what the game was, you screamed and started to cry. Mondo and Togami started arguing, Naegi tried to stop them, and Mondo knocked him out. So now everyone is trying to find a way out." Chihiro explained.

"Oh... um, sorry..." Dewott said. "Hey, it's ok! Let's go, the others agreed to meet up in the cafeteria to share what we learned." Chihiro said. Dewott nodded and they stood. They headed into the cafeteria and sat down. Not long after a girl with blue hair and the boy with brown hair came in.

Sayaka and Naegi- according to Chihiro- took their seats at the table. Naegi sat down next to the guy with the pompadour- Mondo, Chihiro said- and he apologized. "Hey, I'm sorry for hittin' you Naegi." Mondo said. "I-its ok Mondo." Naegi said. Everyone started discussing what they found. Dewott frowned at their findings. "So we really are stuck playing this... game." Dewott flinched as she said that.

The black haired girl- Celestia- stood and explained how we should have someone patrolling the halls during the night hours and everyone agreed. After a few days Monokuma called them down into the screening room. He gave them a video saying it was their motivation to kill.

Dewott put in the video and played it. She smiled as she saw her friends from her old school. Suddenly, the screen glitched and Chris was standing in the ruins of the room they were in. He smiled at the screen, then it went black. Dewott froze, and a scream echoed throughout the room.


Dg22: Yay, I got this done without getting writers block! This was MagicViolet's idea, but I didn't want anyone to die so this is all just a shared dream between all the students. Well, bye for now mon amies!

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