Chapter 1 : A girl at Dalton

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Chapter 1

Alex POV

"This isn't fair," I said, really annoyed.

"Well, I'm in charge of you now, so I get to make the decisions," my uncle said.

I sighed.

"Well you barely even know me. I only saw you like once a year for Christmas. And my friends at school are all I have left!"

"You can make new friends."

"No. This isn't fair. It's an all boys school!"


"I told you 3 times already, call me Alex."

My uncle sighed.

"Fine. Alex-"

"Can I please go up to my temporary bedroom? I need a break."

"Fine. But dinner will be ready in 20 minutes."

"You mean, dinner will be delivered in 20 minutes. You ordered a pizza because you're 36 years old and don't even know how to cook!"

My uncle sighed again, and I went upstairs. But none of my stuff was up here. It was all at my house.

I flopped on the bed, thinking about everything that's happened in the past 3 days. I was in a car crash with my parents. And they'd both gotten killed. I honestly don't know how I'm perfectly fine, besides some bruises and cuts. And I wish I'd died with them.

My uncle was technically my only other blood related family. He was my dad's brother. And I had no respect for him.

When my grandfather had died, he'd handed down his job to my uncle because he was the first born. And also, he didn't go to college, and he didn't have a great job. But now he's head of Dalton Academy. And that basically means, he can do whatever he wants, even if that means making a girl go to an all boys school.

Basically, he had custody of me since I was only 15. And he was ruining my life.

A few days later...

Alex POV

So all of my stuff had been put in storage. I was allowed to bring some of my stuff to Dalton Academy, but not much.

I was currently following my uncle and some staff member down the halls of Dalton. I was getting a tour basically, but I knew I wasn't going to remember where stuff was. So I wasn't paying much attention.

Finally, we got to the dorm rooms.


"It's Alex."

"Alex, you'll be rooming with Mr.Sterling and Mr.Duval," the staff guy said.

"Wait. I have to room with boys!?"

"Yes. It's an all boys school," my uncle said, like he was talking to a 5 year old.

I shot him a glare, and followed the staff guy into the bedroom. There were 2 boys. One was a blonde. The other was a brunette. The blonde was fidgeting with his uniform. The brunette was doing homework on the floor.

"Boys, this is Alex. She'll be rooming with you."

Both of them looked up at me, shocked. I rolled my eyes, and set down my bags.

"Alright. I'll be in my office if you need me," my uncle said, giving me a hug.

I pushed him off, and crossed my arms. The staff guy and my uncle left, closing the door behind them.

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