Chapter 4 : Phone calls and secrets

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Chapter 4

The next day...

Alex POV

Today is a really depressing day because a week ago today, was the day of the car accident. 

I was currently down in the cafeteria with Nick. Neither one of us was speaking, but Nick kept looking at me. 

"Is there like food in my teeth or something?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"What? No. Sorry... Um... Are you ok?"

"What do you mean?"

"Um... You just seem... weird."


"Well... I don't know how to explain. I just feel like something's wrong."

"It's been a week since my parents died."

"Oh, right... Um... If you don't mind me asking, is that what you had a bad dream about last night?"

"Yeah... It was kind of like I relived it..."

"What happened?" Nick asked quietly.

"We were in a car crash. It was because of a drunk driver. Both my parents were killed instantly. I have no idea how I ended up like... fine. All that happened to me was I got a few bruises and cuts."


"But honestly, I wished I'd died with them."


"Because... I don't like my uncle. He's my only other family, so he has custody of me."

"Why don't you like him?"

"I have no respect for him. He only has a job because it got passed down to him. He's the head of Dalton. And that's why I'm here. He can do whatever he wants."


"It just sucks... First I lose my parents, and then I lose my friends because he transferred me to here."

"Well... You've got me and Jeff. I know Jeff doesn't talk, but I think he sort of likes you. And I like you. You're nice."

"I'm nice? I've been a total jerk to you."

"Not completely. Yesterday you were nice. We talked, remember?"


"And if you ever need someone to talk to, just ask me, ok?"

"Ok. Thanks, Nick."

"No problem."


Nick POV

Alex had been called down to the office so her uncle could talk to her. And while she was away, I decided to try to talk to Jeff a little.

I sat down on the end of Jeff's bed, facing him.

"Hey. How are you doing?" I asked, smiling a little.

Jeff just looked up at me with nervous eyes. 

"G-good," he stuttered quietly.

I looked down, and saw he was doing test corrections. And there was a giant 56 in red ink at the top of his test.

"Do you need help with that?" I asked.



The door flew open, making Jeff jump. Alex came in, and slammed the door shut, making Jeff jump a second time.

"Everything ok?" I asked.

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