Chapter 2 : Annoyed with life

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Chapter 2

The next day...

Alex POV

I woke up, hearing an annoying beeping sound. I groaned, and opened my eyes. I saw Nick climbing down from the top bunk.

"We have to be at school in an hour. I would suggest getting up," Nick said, turning the light on.

I groaned again, and pulled the covers over my head.

"Jeff, wake up," I heard Nick saying quietly.

I pulled the covers down, and saw Nick gently shaking Jeff's shoulder. I rolled my eyes. It's like Nick is the father, and Jeff is the helpless child. Like grow up already.

I sat up, watching Nick get out his uniform. Ugh. I forgot about stupid uniforms...

"Do you want to get changed in the bathroom, and Jeff and I can get changed out here?" Nick asked.

"Sure, whatever..."

I grabbed my stupid uniform, and went into the bathroom. I got dressed and ready for the day. I did my makeup, and walked out, holding my tie. I have no idea how to do this.

"Do you want help?" Nick asked.

"Uh, I guess..."

Nick and Jeff were dressed in their uniforms. Jeff looked really tired and out of it. Nick looked pretty awake.

Nick took my tie from me, and tied it properly. I should really learn how to do that... Maybe later.

I slipped my shoes on, and grabbed my backpack. My uncle had gotten me school supplies. I followed Nick and Jeff down to the cafeteria. Wait. I thought Jeff didn't like the cafeteria or something...

I followed them to an empty table. And I set down my bag. Then I followed Nick to go get breakfast. Jeff stayed at the table.

"Didn't you say yesterday that he doesn't like being down here or something?"

"Yeah. He just gets nervous, but he can handle it. It's fine."

I grabbed a bowl of cereal, and Nick grabbed 2. We went back to our table. I was sitting across from Jeff. And Nick was sitting next to Jeff.

Jeff mumbled a 'thanks' when Nick gave him the bowl of cereal. He wouldn't look up from it as he ate. It's like he's trying to be as invisible as possible. And it was making me sort of curious about his past and his family life. Nick said he acts this way because of it. But he didn't know what had happened.

Well maybe I'll find out later...

We had to go to class. Nick was looking at my schedule, and apparently all 3 of us had the same classes. So I followed Nick to my first class, which was English.


Alex POV

I thought there was a chance school wouldn't be so bad.

I was wrong.

I hated it. I was around a ton of boys. Gym was kind of awkward. I didn't like it at all.

I stuck around Nick and Jeff though because I knew them, and they were ok. I mean, they weren't mean or anything. And they were showing me around and stuff.

We were done with class, and we went back to our bedroom. Nick went to go take a shower. So I was all alone with Jeff. Time to find out some stuff about him...

I got up, and sat on the other end of Jeff's bed. He looked up at me. And he looked sort of nervous. Good. He should be.

"So Jeff... How are you?" I asked, smirking slightly at him.

He looked up at me, and met my eyes.

"F-fine," he stuttered.

"Yeah, ok well do you like school here?"



"I-I don't k-know."

He inched backwards, away from me.

"What's the problem, Jeff? Scared?"


I laughed slightly, and sat on my own bed again.

Nick came out of the bathroom, wearing sweatpants, and a white shirt.

"Do you guys want to go grab some dinner?" Nick asked.

"Yes. How about you join us, Jeff," I said, smirking at the blonde.

Jeff slowly got up, and followed behind us, down the stairs.

"Hey. Don't be mean to him," Nick whispered to me.

"Yeah, well too late."

Nick sighed, and we arrived at the cafeteria. I noticed that throughout dinner, Jeff kept looking around, as if he was expecting something to happen. I don't really know. He confuses me.


Alex POV

I'd just taken a shower, and now Jeff was in the shower. Nick was sitting on the floor, doing homework. I slid off my bed, and sat down across from him.

"So. I want to find out more about Jeff," I said, shutting Nick's textbook.

"Hey, I'm not done with that!"

I pulled the textbook away from him.

"Well let's talk first. Then you can have it back."

"Fine. What do you want?"

"To learn more about Jeff! I just said that! Pay attention."

"Ok, sorry... What do you want to know about him?"

"Why he acts the way he does. You said it was his past and his family, but what happened?"

"I don't know. He won't tell me."

"Yeah, ok. Well find out."

"Why? It's his business, not ours."

"Either you can find out, or I'll find out. And I guarantee he won't like how I do it."

"Ok, ok. Please stop threatening me. And don't bother Jeff. He's sensitive, ok?"

"Are you going to find out what happened to him?"

"Maybe. I don't want to push him."

"Well either you can push him, or I can. Your choice."

"Alex, can you please just stop, and mind your own business?"

"No. This is fun."

"Can I have my textbook back?"

"No. Not until you tell me if you'll talk to Jeff."

"Alex, I don't want to make him upset, ok? Can't you just respect him and his privacy?"

"Uh, no."

Nick sighed at me, obviously getting frustrated. But I didn't care. I'm frustrated that I'm at this dumb school, and that my parents are gone forever.

Jeff came out of the bathroom in his pajamas. He walked past us, and got into his bed.

"Don't say anything," Nick whispered.

I rolled my eyes, and sat on my bed, still holding onto Nick's textbook. Nick took mine, and I sighed. Fine. He can do his stupid homework.

But this whole thing isn't over.

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