Chapter 5- Saeran

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QUICK NOTE: (S/N) stands for sexy name.

It's been three weeks since you and Luciel became officially a couple! Once you announced the news to the RFA members, the chat just literally blew up! Zen was shocked that Luciel got a girlfriend and not him, Jaehee congratulated you two but suggested that to focus on your school work, Jumin did the same and Yoosung gave up on finding love. Poor Yoosung...

You were sitting in the classroom with Yoosung and a couple of students.
"Nawhh....," Yoosung sighed and slumped his head on the desk.
"I give up,"
"You can't give up now!"
"Yoosung! Your still young and free, you shouldn't give up now," you elbowed him. Yoosung started to mutter some nonsense words while you were staring at the window, and watched as the tiny, round and white dot, that was called snow. Christmas was coming up, and you don't know what to give to your Meme Lord AKA Luciel, for Christmas. You stared at the window, while dozing off to space.

A few of the popular kids entered the classroom and gossiped.
You seemed uninterested at first, but once you heard the word 'new student', you snapped out of space and tried to listen to some more.
"Yoosung," you spoke. "Did you hear what they were talking about?"
Yoosung looked at you confused; "Who, they?"
You didn't like the word 'popular', instead you use 'royal',
"Those Royal kids, duh," you made it your voice sound very obvious.
"Oh yeah, them," Yoosung said. "I've heard rumors that a new student is coming to our school," Yoosung explained. "The rumors also said that this new, so called student, was like a punk or some sort of that,"
"Aha....," you hummed. Suddenly you remembered that you bumped into a guy 3 weeks ago. You couldn't really remember what his face looked like, but you remembered that he had a punk-ish style.

"Do you think a girl would ever like me?" Yoosung asked hopefully.

"If you stop playing video games so," you joked, making Yoosung sigh.
"Your right! I will be a loner for the rest of my life,"
"Yoosung!" you pushed him lightly. "I was just teasing! I'm nighty-nine point nine percent sure, that you'll get a girlfriend soon," you pat Yoosung's back.
"But that's impossible!" Yoosung sobbed. But before you could answer, Mrs, Wilson entered the classroom.

Mrs. Wilson was a chubby 50- year old woman in a knee-length skirt. It's like your typical grandma, just slightly different..?
She's the English teacher and she is very kind and fun to prank! But she's strict while checking tests results! Once you get a 'C'... Oh boy! One week detention!
But out of all of that, she's a grandma.

"Settle down students. I have an important announcement," Mrs. Wilson announced. "A new student will join us today," as she said that, whispers filled the whole room.
Suddenly the door broke open.

Someone stepped inside. It went dead silent. Slow footsteps were only heard. A boy with white hair and red highlights slowly walked towards Mrs. Wilson. Mrs. Wilson stood there like a stick, not moving. That boy seemed familiar to you, like you have seen him before.
"I'm Saeran," the boy suddenly spoke. You remembered the same boy you bumped into!

It was him!

"O-oh..." Mrs. Wilson trembled.
"Nice to meet you, Saeran. Y-you can c-call m-me-"
"M-mrs. Wi-Wilson," Saeran interrupted with a mocking tone.
Mrs. Wilson face redden up slightly.
"I know everyone here so don't even bother to introduce yourself to me," Saeran added, darkly. It went dead silent in the room. The only sound you could here was Yoosung's anxiety.
"I won't stand here all day," Saeran broke the silence.
"J-just please sit be-behind Stacie Jenkins," Wilson croaked and gestured the seat behind Stacie.
"No," Saeran insisted, instead he looked at you, keeping his minty orb on you. "I'll sit beside MC," he pointed to Yoosung's seat.
"B-but," Saeran mocked Mrs. Wilson.
"Mr. Kim, please sit behind Miss. Jenkins," Wilson instructed.
Yoosung shakingly grabbed his belongings and sat behind Stacie, in complete horror. Saeran made his way to you without blinking and sat on Yoosung's old seat.

"Creepy," you thought.


"MC. What are your thoughts about the new student?" Yoosung asked.
"Hmmm..." you hummed. "I think he's a bit creepy?"
Yoosung sighed of relief: "I thought I was the only one,"
Suddenly you realized that, that guy you bumped in was Saeran!
"And also," you added. "He was the same guy that I bumped into,"

Yoosung's eyes widen in shockness! "Really?"
You nodded in response.
"Are you joking right now?" Yoosung said, a bit serious.
"No, I'm not, Yoosung. Like seriously," you spoke. "There's something creepy about him,"
"Yeah, I know that already. Speaking of creepy, I think Calvin and Kevin are dozing off to space, by staring at you!" Yoosung changed theme and pointed behind you.
You jerked your head to the two perverted males.

You looked concerned on them.
They were winking and making 'kissy' mouths to you.
"Gross," you commented and turned around to Yoosung.
"I can't believe they are allowed to be here!"


"And there goes the annoying school bell!" Yoosung huffed.
"Well, have a nice day, bro," you said and patted his back.

You walked to class while thinking about what to give Luciel for Christmas.
"What does he want?" you muttered. You thinked hard and deep (A/N: Woah... That sounded dirty.. I shouldn't write about that yet...)
-but you couldn't find anything.
"Ughhh..." you sighed, irritated.


"Ahh!!" Holly squealed, making your ears mentally bleed and cover them.
"Holly!" you exclaimed. "Not too loud!"
"But, you look so... PRETTY!" she reasoned and jumped up and down, repeatedly.

Knock knock

"Babe?" a voice called from the other side. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, she's alright-"
"No, don't come in!" you demanded.
"Luciel! She's so pretty!" Holly said.
"Oh really..Hmm..." Luciel hummed. "Then I don't have any choice," the door clicked open and slowly opened, while you insisted and covered your chest. When the door opened, Luciel's expression changed to curiousness to shockness.

You wore a short and red strapless dress, with a belt around the waist area, making your hourglass figure to show more.

"Wow," Luciel commented, making you blush deeply.
"Isn't she pretty?" Holly sung.
"She is, but..." Luciel walked to you, making you anxious. He pulled out his hands and wrapped his hand on your wrist, that was covering your chest. You glanced at his shiny and golden eyes, behind his glasses.
"She's not only pretty," Luciel added and started to remove your arms.
"She's also, sexy," Luciel ended and revealed your cleavage. He let out a satisfied smirk, glancing down on your cleavage.

"S-stop looking at my chest," you trembled and moved away. "Holly, isn't this too revealing? I mean, my breasts are nearly exposed," you reasoned.
"Well, yes but it was the only one in stock, and besides it won't slide down," Holly said. "Luciel likes it,"
"But Luciel is a guy! And guys have very dirty minds!"
Holly sighed. "MC, I'm completely sorry, but I have customers, we should talk about this later," Holly apologized and walked away.

You sighed. "I'm going to work now, Luciel," you said. "You can go home if you want," you ended and walked past him. But before you fully walked past, he strongly grabbed your wrist making you instantly stop. He dragged you closer to him.

"I'm not going to leave, before I take a picture of my sexy, babe," Luciel said and pulled out his phone.
"Okay, only ONE picture is okay," you answered.
Luciel took a quick selfie of you two. Once he left you got to work.

"Okay, sirs. Here are your two mugs of hot chocolate," you smiled and put the two drinks down.
"Wow, you look so so sexy, (S/N)" an oddly familiar voice commented making you stand still as a stick!
"Kev! Don't say that to MC! She has a boyfriend!" the other guy told.

"Oh no!" you thought.


(A/N: Hello there! Thank u for reading this chapter and sorry for late update! If you follow my instagram: @ daddy_yurio_
you probably know, why. And a quick reminder Christmas is coming soon!! Yay!! Lemme know if you want more by tapping the star button!

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