Chapter 8- Help Me

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You fluttered your eyes repeatedly, while you tilted your head. At this rate your vision was blurry and the only source you saw was a very bright light. Suddenly you heared footsteps coming towards your left ear. You focused on your breathing and heart pounding. Every sound that you could hear was an 'Echo'. You suddenly felt a presence in front of you, it was both pleasant and unpleasant. As your eyes adjusted to the scenery, your eyes quickly captured a young man with white hair with a tint of pink or red on it. You raised an eyebrow in complete confusion of who this person standing in front of you. You thought that he was a some sort of punk, describing his clothes.

"Did you sleep well, my princess," the 'punk' suddenly asked. That's when a fountain of thoughts fell down to your head. The word princess triggered you and caused you to ask: "Princess? Me?"

A smirk grew in the male's face that made you raise your eyebrow higher. He took a few steps towards you and bent down to your level, face to face. He suddenly cupped your soft cheeks. His hand was much warmer and much softer than you imagined.

"Who else is my princess, then?" he spoke lowly. You're so confused that the only sound you made was: "Huh?". The smirk from the male's wiped away. He suddenly leaned to your ear and whispered: "You don't remember me?" A slight of disappointment could be heard from his voice. You opened your mouth to respond but suddenly a lightning of memories struck down your head, that made you remember everything. Your parents, The RFA, the last party, Rika,  everything!

You jumped in shock, but the chair you were sitting on nearly flipped so you used your feet to stop from flipping over. You also noticed ropes tied around your wrists and feet, that was attached to the chair.

"Woah, there my pretty princess," the male spoke and leaned in closer to your face. You panicked and backed your head away from his face. Saeran glanced at you, looking concerned: "Are you okay? Do you need something, princess?" he asked you in a deep but attractive voice. You sat there in silence, biting your lip while forming your hands in fists. You took a deep breath and blinked: "What are you going to do to me?" you spoke bravely, but your voice sounded so frightnened that made Saeran smirk.

"Hmm....," he hummed, signaling that he was 'thinking'. "Everything I say,"                                            

Your eyes grew wider than plates: "Everything you s-"                                                                                      

"Yes, my princess, everything I say," he repeated.

"What I mean by everything is EVERYTHING,"  You narrowed your eyes to slits that only your (e/c) orbs could be seen. "Make me," you answered. Saeran looked blanked at you, shocked by your answer. "I know that Luciel will save me as soon as he finds-" Saeran interrupted you by laughing, evilly. "Haha! You are so funny MC! Do you think Saeyoung will save you?" he laughed, loud enough to leave echoes around the room.

"I'm sure that he will save me!" you told the male and glared at him.

"How are you so sure, huh? Do you really think that he loves you?" Saeran mocked. You gritted your teeth and furrowed your eyebrows: "I know that he loves me, I can feel-"

"A FUCKING TRAITOR DOESN'T LOVE ANYONE!" he yelled, making you shrink to a little breadcrumb. Traitor? Is Luciel a traitor? And who is Saeyoung? You want to yell something back but kept silent, quite aware of the consequence. You didn't know what to say either.

"I'm sorry my princess, but you went too far there," he 'apologized' and walked away from you towards some drawers. He pulled out a drawer and searched for God-who-knows. You were curious rather than scared of what the drawer contains. Saeran kept searching in the drawers in rapidly speed. You sat trapped on the chair in silence. You didn't even dare to move a muscle.

"Aha...," Saeran suddenly breathed out, knowing that he found something. You assumed that he was holding something but you didn't know what it was. You hoped that it's something safe and straightened your head to see what he was possibly holding. But you could even hardly see over his shoulder considering his height. Finally Saeran turned around holding a shiny, long and seemingly sharp knife. You widen your eyes nearly as big as your head. He grinned at you while he walked closer to you, his minty orbs never leaving you. When he was close to you he bent down to your level. You saw his eyes: they had a slight of regret in them, but you cared less since he was holding a sharp knife. Is he going to stab you?

"I'm sorry princess but this what happens to bad girls crossing the line," Saeran whispered. You gulped. This was the end. Finally you were going to meet your parents, in Heaven. You closed your eyes and prepared yourself: "Just do it quick. I don't want to feel an eternal pain,"


In any minute now your blood will be spilled on the hard cold floor.

In any second now you were going to finally meet your loved-dead ones in Heaven. Growing up, you always thought that a guardian angel was following you everywhere you go to make sure you're safe from any danger. Well, mainly because your mom told you and that everyone has a guardian angel, good and evil too. You believed your mom until both your mom and dad passed away. You were fooled, but that was that was useless since both your parents died and you were left alone in the street without anyone. Alone were you. You hoped one day that someone will help you but as the time flew no one came. But the least you expected it a guardian angel came and filled you with happiness and care. It was The one and only Rika. Later that year you were a member of the RFA. But when you heard that Rika committed suicide, it was like everything you had, faded away to dust. But it didn't last long, you were able to gather everything you had in place. Jumin acted like nothing major really happened, both Jaehee and Zen was down in a little while, Luciel was at the same stage as you, and Yoosung was completely scarred. V was like Jumin, but deep down, you knew he was breaking down. And now that your time is coming, there's nothing to do. You were trapped and had nowhere to go. But if you had the chance to escape you would be paranoid till your death bed. And you are currently 'sitting' on it. You let out your last breath.

You imagined the sharp metallic blade poking your bare skin. You were ready for the blade to reach your death.


I love you, Luciel.

(A/N): And that was all for today my lovely readers! Christmas update soon here. Sorry for late update lol! Check the last post for more details :)

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