Chapter 6- Perverted Stalkers

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F/C= Favorite color

"Kevin, Calvin! What the hell are you two doing in here?!" you whisper-shouted.
"Finally, you realized!" Kevin said and took a sip from his drink.
"What do you mean? Have you two been here before?" you asked, a little bit angry.
"We've been here since you worked here," Calvin responded.
"Why the hell are you two here, wasting your time?" You mumbled with gritted teeth and leaned forward, so that your cleavage was more visible to them.
"Woah, feisty there, tiger," Kevin said, and trailed his eyes down from your lips to your half naked breats. Calvin knew what Kevin was looking at, grabbed his phone from his pocket and tapped the camera app.
"What are you doing?" you spotted Calvin and raised an eyebrow. Both Kevin and Calvin grinned, making you more confused. Then suddenly you snapped out of your confusion, and realized what they were doing!
"Hey-" you started, but you were cut off by a familiar guy.


"I'll take that," Saeran said, and snapped Calvin's phone from his hand. Saeran slid and tapped on Calvin's phone with furrowed eyebrows.
"Give me my phone back!" Calvin argued and reached his hands to grab his phone, but Saeran moved his hand higher, making it harder for Calvin to reach.
"Give Calv's phone back, or else..." Kevin added and tried reaching for it.
"Or else what? And no way in hell you two will get back this phone!" Saeran responded and put the phone in his pocket.

"Or else, I will stalk MC forever, without you disturbing me!" Calvin barked and stood up in front of Saeran, face to face. Saeran didn't show any emotion.
Suddenly he smiled. "Let's just not make a scene here," Saeran suggested, grinning, and walked away from the cafe.

"I suggest that you two, idiots, should get out of here," you advised and pointed to the exit. Both Kevin and Calvin looked the way you pointed.
"Why not? You ain't our mother," Calvin insisted, making you sigh in his response.
"I'm not saying that I'm your mother," you responded. "What my point is that, if you two are going to be here, please behave,"
Calvin and Kevin sat in silence while you waited for a response. You became impatient and decided to walk away, but before it was too late, Calvin suprinsingly mumbled; "Fine, we'll behave...,"
You turned around and looked at the two idiotic males, without a response, you nodded and smiled slightly and walkex away. When you were at the kitchen, you sighed a breath of relief.
"Everything is so stressful," you thought and breathed out. A lot of things swirled around your head. Christmas is coming up and you haven't had the time to buy Christmas presents to anyone! You sighed. You totally needed a break!

"MC," a voice called. You turned around and it revealed a woman with blonde hair in a messy bun and office clothes. It was clearly the boss of the café. Lux Cantrelle Roosevelt.
"Yes?" you responded. The boss was travelling abroad to promote the café, and wasn't coming back until New Year.
"Can I talk for you, for a second," she asked. "If your not busy,"
"Yeah, sure," you responded and followed Lux, your boss, to her office.


"So MC," Lux started. "The employees here in the café sent me a rather important message,"
You looked confused at her, "What do you mean, Mrs. Roosevelt?"
"You see MC, I know your a still a student, and going through a lot," Lux answered, making eye contact with you.
"The employees told me so many nice and wonderful things about you, but that's not my point-"
You felt yourself cringe to a tiny breadcrum, and you felt like the world was going to go upside-down.
Am I getting fired?
"Am I going to get fired?" you blurted out. You regretted saying that and bit your lip hard. Silence was the only thing you heard. Suddenly Lux chuckled, "Oh, no dear! My point is that maybe you should take an early Christmas break for work,"
You sighed a breath of relief. That's good but-
"Mrs. Roosevelt, we have a lot of customers and I don't need a Christmas break," you insisted.
"My husband's in Europe right now and taking care of the café situation, while I work here for now," Lux informed.
"-and you need a break. I heard that you passed out once, according to Holly," she added.
"U-uhm," you hummed a bit unsure. "Okay, I'll take a break," you agreed.
"Good," Lux smiled. "You can go back to work now,"
You nodded and got back to work.


You closed the back door of the café and looked up at the dark sky. White snow fell lightly from the sky, tall lamposts lit up to lead the way and people walking on the sidewalks. Your dorm wasn't far from work, so you can just walk. You plugged in your earphones and listened to your favorite music. When you entered your room, you stuck the key in the keyhole and twist your key to unlock the door. When you stepped in, the lights were on and you felt like someone else was here. You looked to your left. Nope! No trace of anyone. You looked to your right-

"Hey, babe~" A tomato-haired boy suprised you, that made you shout.
"Luciel! What are you doing here?" you asked, a little bit angry.
"Are you angry at me?" he pouted. You crossed your arms.
"You can't just break in to someone's room!" you advised him.
"Sorry MC," Luciel apologized. "I have to give you something," he reached to his pocket and it revealed a small box, wrapped in (f/c) paper. "For you," Luciel smiled, reaching the box to you. You gasped and covered your mouth, tears in the corner of your eyes. You gladly took the present and put it in front of your eyes, with eyes widen.
"Can I open it now?" you asked excited. Luciel shaked his head, signaling that it's a 'no'.
"You can't open it before Christmas," he reasoned. You pouted like a little child.
"Okay...," you trailed your words out and put it in yout bag. "I'll do my homework now," you put your bag to the side, grabbed your books and started working.


You tapped your pencil impatiently on your notebook, thinking of a possible answer from your calculations.
"Ughh..," you sighed and slumped your head on your desk. Luciel noticed you and tapped your shoulder, "Do you need help?" Luciel asked.
"Yeah," you answered.
"Okay. Let's see," he said and grabbed your pencil that you held. "MC, look. You have done something wrong on number 7B,"

And the whole evening, you and Luciel both did your homework. Once you were done, you started to get ready to sleep. You brushed your teeth and put on your cute PJ's. When you were at the bathroom, getting ready, Luciel investigated your bag. He found a black look-alike tiny GPS that was blinking red. He thought that it was suspicious, smashed it with your big schoolbooks and threw it away. When you walked out of the bathroom, you jumped to bed and checked your phone for new e-mails. One from V. You tapped on it and a text popped up.

Dear MC
A Christmas Party will be held at the Grand Hotel 22/12/16
I know it's a rush, but I'm busy on every other day.
I hope that it will work.

Regards, V

You turned off your phone, frustrated. How should you do it? You sighed and closed your eyes, hoping it will go away. But you accidentally fell asleep. Luciel saw you sleeping and sat beside you, caressing your cheek. You looked innocent and cute in Luciel's vision. He had no choice but to take off his hoodie, shirt and lastly his glasses. If you were awake, you would have bleed a waterfall of nosebleed. Luciel went under the blankets and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you closer to his warm body. You two were having a quality time, but on the other side, a cotton candy-haired male was raging in anger. Luciel smashed the GPS that Saeran installed for a couple of weeks ago. Now, it was difficult to trace you without the GPS. Saeran was now trying to find a way how to trace you again.

"I'm going to corrupt you," Saeran mumbled in rage.

AN: OMG! Sorry if this chapter sounds unintresting :( I had a GIGANTIC writers block, that's why.
And I'm suffering from the last ep of YOI. It freaking bring me to tears! But I'll try updating more, since it's Christmas break!

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